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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by rkeech2006

Q: What can you take?

I am currently 6 1/2 weeks prego and have a nasty cough so what can i take to get rid of it asap?

This question was asked Aug. 31, 2011 6:30pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by PawMomma - Sep. 3, 2011 2:20am
Here is a link from my obgyn with recommendations of safe meds to take for when you are pregnant (obviously everyone is different and should consult a doc, but this is a good guideline)


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Answered by rkeech2006 - Sep. 2, 2011 3:48pm
Thanks guys i ended up going to the doc and he normally would give people antiboticas but me being prego he wants to hold off he also said this cheast cold is going around bad. It sucks i feel like shit but i know it will be over with hopefully soon....

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Answered by lulu26 - Sep. 1, 2011 10:48pm
I just discovered I have seasonal asthma (i live in Egypt and im surprised I didnt get this before now with all the pollution and dust!!) and have been given an inhaler.
You could try a spoonful on honey with a squeeze of lemon juice - the lemon will kill any bacteria in the throat that maybe causing the cough and the honey will sooth the muscles in the throat.
Drinking anise boiled in water and sugar (if u cant get it in a tea bag form like we get here) is also an excellent natural remedy for soothing a cough.
If all else fails, go to see your doctor!
Hope you feel better soon xx

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Answered by erinjsmith - Sep. 1, 2011 1:24am
Nothing. Tylonol. Being sick pregnant is a DRAG.

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Answered by ImACamp - Aug. 31, 2011 10:43pm
I really don't have a material answer for you, but it would be best for you to call yur ob's office. They should definately be able to tell you. If they dont, then the pharmicist at the store should be able to tell you. If you're battling a fever (I was at 6 weeks) you can take Tylenol which is Acetomenophen. Hope you feel better!

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