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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Roxanne

Q: Is 6weeks 4days too soon to heartbeat on ultrasound?

Went for a scan becos iv been having cramps, only saw sac, no heartbeat, doc wants me back in 10 days(I'll be 8 weeks by then) is it too early to tell?

This question was asked Sep. 7, 2011 1:11am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by a member - Oct. 23, 2011 5:46pm
Had an ultrasound at 6 weeks 3 days and saw the heartbeat, try not to worry tho as it depends what kind of scan you have and it can differ as to when a heartbear can be seen..best of luck and congrats

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Answered by octivia - Sep. 9, 2011 12:54am
Depends, on a normal ultrasound maybe.with a vaginal ultrasound, probably

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Answered by JLMarks - Sep. 8, 2011 1:23pm
Hey Roxanne,
Actually according to my numbers I was supposed to be 7 w 2d when I went in. When they did the u/s thats when they said I was actually 6 w 4d. Thats means I o'd late. The first u/s I had with my son we couldn't see the heartbeat or hear it. I think it depends on how the baby is situated. The u/s pictures we have are completely different too. I've also heard at 6 wks sometimes they can't see the yolk sack because everything is so small. I wouldn't worry.

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Answered by Roxanne - Sep. 7, 2011 3:23pm
@jlmarks..are u calculating ur pregnancy from ur lmp or conception\ovulation date? I have been counting from my lmp so in that sense I am 6 weeks but the fetus wud only be 4weeks. So by the time I c my doc the fetus shud be 6weeks old. Thanx so much for ur feedback. Much appreciated.

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Answered by JLMarks - Sep. 7, 2011 2:41pm
My firs u/s this time was on 6w 4d and they could see and we could hear the heartbeat. My first pregnancy was taken the same time but we couldn't see or hear it. I think it just depends.

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Answered by Roxanne - Sep. 7, 2011 12:37pm
Thank u so much! I don't know why I'm stressing so much cos the same thing with my 4year old..natural I guess. Thank u so much! I'm just gonna take it easy from now on.

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Answered by susie-w - Sep. 7, 2011 12:31pm
yeah its a bit early hun, i never seen a heartbeat with any ov mine till after 9wks.

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