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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by rkeech2006

Q: First prenatal what to expect?

How far along were u and what did the doc all do at ur first apt. Mine is this upcoming Monday and I can't wait.

This question was asked Sep. 7, 2011 7:11pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by PawMomma - Sep. 8, 2011 4:30am
I was just over 8 weeks at my first exam. I filled out a ton of paperwork on my medical history (new doc for me). They weighed me in, I peed in a cup, they did a pap, pelvic exam and then an ultrasound to check out my little bean. They also ordered blood work/urinalysis and then scheduled me for an appointment for a month later.

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Answered by JLMarks - Sep. 7, 2011 7:43pm
Hey RK,

How my doc works is she does a nurse in-take appt then you schedule a pap, pelvic at 12 weeks. Then from there you don't have another un-dress until further along.

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Answered by Shannybum - Sep. 7, 2011 7:26pm
I am seeing a midwife so my experience might be different - also I'm in Canada. But my midwife saw me at 5 weeks and did requsitions for bloodwork. My next appointment wasn't til 9.5 weeks and that was the "big one" where she did a pelvic exam listened for heartbeat etc. Also did a full medical history at that time.

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