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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by krittarae

Q: Pregnant after miscarriage

I'm newly pregnant (about 5 weeks). We had a miscarriage in March, and I find myself constantly worrying and wondering if it will happen again. I have PCOS and we used Femara to get pregnant this time. It is supposed to have a low miscarriage rate, but I still worry so much. How do I get control of these worries? Encourage me, please?

This question was asked Sep. 9, 2011 6:55pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Dec11baby - Sep. 13, 2011 1:49pm
I had a miscarriage in November and found out I was pregnant again in mid-April. Like others have said, there is really nothing you can do to make you stop worrying. I worried all the time and sometimes I still do and I am about to start my last trimester. I also had a subchrionic hemmorage early on, so I dealt with cramping & spotting often...so I had many days where I thought for sure I was losing this baby as well. The best advice I can give is just to relax and take each day at a time and try not to worry. I had extra ultrasounds done early on and even made the nurse see me at 11 weeks when I started spotting again and I made her see me to check for hb with the doppler and we got it. I also rented my own doppler from bellybeats.com (they are great!) and I kept it from about 10 weeks-23 weeks and it really helped ease my worries alot. If I got worried about baby, was spotting or even later on, didn't feel baby kick all day...I could check for the hb myself. Good luck!

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Answered by cinderpumpkin - Sep. 13, 2011 5:20am
I also have PCOS and had a m/c last april. i know exactley how you feel. We are pregnant again and today we hit 9 wks, heard our baby's heartbeat at 171 bpm and all I could do was cry, I have been very nervous and have been assured by my dr that I probably will be until we get past the milstone we lost our first baby. A very good girlfriend of mine who has had five healthy babies and a few miscarriages in between gave me the best advice, she said that you never know what god has planned but enjoy every miracle as long as you have them so I am taking that aproach, still with some nerves. Best of luck to you on your pregnancy! Try to stay as calm possible and enjoy it, easier said then done I know

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Answered by krittarae - Sep. 12, 2011 3:26pm
thank you so much. i am having my hcg levels tested this week to give me some peace of mind, but i am being very optimistic about it and looking forward to getting the good news from the doc on thursday.

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Answered by mandib17 - Sep. 10, 2011 4:35pm
I totally understand your fears. I am sorry for your loss. We had a mc in November and finally got pregnant again the end of May. With this pregnancy I was so scared I could barely move. I even had some spotting with this pregnancy and I thought I was losing this baby too, but everything is fine. Your worries are soooo normal, but keep in mind that the chances of having another miscarriage is slim. My best advice is to love every second of this pregnancy and love every second you have with your baby. We sadly cannot control these things, so don't waste time thinking the worst. I am now in my second trimester and wish I would have loved that time and trusted in this pregnancy from the beginning, but I was too scared. Also,l don't read any books or scary pregnancy sites until you feel more comfortable. Start planning for you baby!

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