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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by ravilma

Q: Braxton hics at 16 wks???

I am 16 weeks pregnant and last night I woke up with strong Braxton hics. It really scared me. With my previous pregnancy they didn't start until 25 weeks. Anybody else?

This question was asked Sep. 23, 2011 8:42am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by allysaunders - Sep. 23, 2011 9:10am
Hey don't worry, my midwife told me they could be felt as early as 8wks, just depends on how "in-tune" with your body you are. With your previous pregnancy you might have had them sooner but maybe didn't recognise them as so. But if you're worried contact your midwife and put your mind at ease x

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Answered by a guest - Sep. 23, 2011 2:47pm
I had braxton hicks at 6 wks. -this is my third. Midwife said that this is normal for non-firsttimers. As my pregnancy has progressed, they are now stringer than I've felt with the others too. Take my breath away and remind me to slow down. My midwife said to drink more water if they come more often. Good luck!

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Answered by KatieK - Sep. 27, 2011 12:21pm
I did not have any BH with my first pregnancy. THis time I started at 23 weeks. Many of my girlfriends satrted around 12 weeks with their seconds, so as long as they stop, I think you are just fine.

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