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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Lucky3

Q: Is it crazy that I'm waiting for morning sickness?

I'm 5+2 today and I'm starting to get nervous that I haven't had any m/s yet. In the early stages of pg, I find that I'm always looking for the next confirmation that this one is going well. I've had 2 successful pregnancies with m/s the whole time. But this time...nothing. I read that women who get m/s are less likely to suffer m/c so I'm beginning to worry.
Is this normal? You'd think the 3rd time around I'd feel like an old pro...but it's been 6 years and I'm just as lost as I was the first time!
Thanks for letting me vent... :-)
Oh, I should note, I DO have other symptoms, the biggest ones being fatigue and sore bbs. (Like even to the point I can't tolerate the shower running on them.)

This question was asked Jul. 30, 2012 2:12pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by BumpkinPatch2012 - Aug. 5, 2012 11:08pm
I am 28 weeks and 4 days and I never got M/C, but I did have days when I felt queazy and need to eat crackers alllll day, but I never throw up. Some women don't get it at all and enjoy this time of feeling good.

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Answered by Benjarfer - Aug. 1, 2012 8:12pm
I have the exact same feeling, just turning 5 weeks and every morning I'm hoping that morning sickness will come as a confirmation on my pregnancy. And yet I eat very well and hasn't been put off with any kind of food.

I'm sure you will be fine, may be you are just one of the lucky few who can enjoy food during pregnancy.

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Answered by bethcohen1 - Jul. 30, 2012 9:45pm
It will come trust me ,and once it does you will wish it would go away I didn't know I was pregnant with my first till 12 weeks ,and I did get sick alot that's what prompted me to take a test lol anyway with this pregnancy I'm so busy with my daughter I have not had it alot!

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Answered by Lucky3 - Jul. 30, 2012 6:48pm
Thanks all for your input! I know each pregnancy is different, I just didn't expect them to be THIS different. I'm happy to be without m/s right now - honestly. I just want to make sure everything is ok...you know? I did get a call from the dr today regarding the labs I had done last week and they said all is well so far, which is awesome!
I wish you all happy & healthy pregnancies - and appreciate hearing from you!

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Answered by arti_2012 - Jul. 30, 2012 5:38pm
Iam also in the same boat 5 weeks 3 day pregnant today but have no symptoms at all ....i had high HCG on the first day of my missed period but still no major symptoms..will be a little relieved after my fiirst ultrasound on 4th aug

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Answered by Steph35 - Jul. 30, 2012 4:28pm
I never got morning sickness at all and I'm almost 38 weeks now. Each pregnancy is different. I wouldn't stress about it:-) Just enjoy feeling well and enjoy your pregnancy!

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Answered by a member - Jul. 30, 2012 4:18pm
I don't think gender really pays a part in morning sickness. That's just a wives tale. I also don't think having morning sickness v. not having any means you'll have a successful pregnancy or not. Another superstition.

Some women have it, and other don't. Each pregnancy is different, so maybe you'll luck out and won't have much this time around, or maybe it's just too early and hasn't really kicked in yet. Either way, just be glad you still feel relatively good. I've been nauseous my entire pregnancy, I'm now 20 weeks, but I've never actually gotten sick from it.

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Answered by KDutton - Jul. 30, 2012 3:53pm
Hiya, I didnt have any m/s till about 9 weeks and have had it ever since - I'm now 24 weeks!! They do say you are more likely to have sickness if you are carrying a girl (true for me) and not so much with a boy! Good luck :D

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Answered by madijoh - Jul. 30, 2012 3:50pm
Let's hope you're lucky and don't get it. I'm miserable right now and can barely function.

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Answered by zaiobaio - Jul. 30, 2012 3:14pm
My morning sickness did start with both my preg.. in the end of week 6. So it is just a bit early that`s why you didnt have m/s yet ....Or maybe you are lucky this time ..every pregnancy is different so If you had m/s with the first 2 it is not necessary to have it with this one. Congrats and good luck!

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