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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by 2Beemee


I went to a routine check on friday at 14wks 2dys preggo. After my doc felt my tummy,she said she couldn't feel the baby.. Then said the baby is still too low to be felt by hand. The only consolation I have is my ultrasound at 10wks that showed my baby. At what time should the baby move "up" to my belly? Should I worry?

This question was asked Oct. 2, 2011 4:19pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by mgkniwa - Oct. 6, 2011 6:04pm
Yeah, that's ridiculous. My LO didn't pop out of my pelvis until 20 weeks.

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Answered by kawaimichiko - Oct. 3, 2011 3:57pm
Your doc has no business telling you crap like that. I suggest you get another gyn and tell this one to shove it.

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Answered by 2Beemee - Oct. 3, 2011 3:17pm
You ladies are my HEROES!!! Thanks for the positive feedback! Was totally driving myself insane!

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Answered by Dec11baby - Oct. 3, 2011 2:19pm
No offense, but your doctor sounds like a moron and I would find another!! At 14 weeks, you can CERTAINLY hear the heartbeat with a doppler. I first heard mine at about 10 1/2 weeks with this one...and it can be seen on ultrasound earlier...around 7 weeks or so I think. I even ordered my own fetal doppler and could hear it at home at 11 weeks. This dr. sounds looney!

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Answered by 2Beemee - Oct. 3, 2011 5:19am
TAHNK YOU LADIES!!! THANK YOU!! DH and i were so worried!! Doc kept asking me if i was sure am pregnant! Saying that my baby was taking too long to move "up". She pressed my tummy for close to 5 mins and when i asked her to check the heartbeat,she said that as long as baby had not moved up it was IMPOSSIBLE to hear the heart beat!! I think i need a new Gynae!

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Answered by a member - Oct. 3, 2011 3:34am
Odd.....at 14 weeks the baby is like 3.5 inches.. you can't feel that! Does your doc have an in house fetal monitor to listen to the heart beat?

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Answered by chorizanopales - Oct. 3, 2011 12:20am
your doc sounds like an insensitive jerk for not explaining that the baby usually isn't felt until week 18 or so anyway.... don't worry. did your doc check for his/her heartbeat? baby will move when ready.

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Answered by Neekie - Oct. 2, 2011 11:26pm
Ohhh Dont worry! My doc said that you cant feel the shape of the baby or anything until much further on!

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