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Category: Baby Showers

Asked by momtobe1992

Q: having a party after the baby is born, should I still have a baby shower?

No one is throwing me a baby shower so I wanted to throw one for myself. But I was thinking, I'm having a big party after the baby is born. Would it make sense to just have one big party and not have a baby shower? I also don't want people to think I'm having 2 parties for the gifts....just need some advice :)

This question was asked Aug. 7, 2012 7:59pm
Category: Baby Showers

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Answered by shawnabrown13 - Aug. 8, 2012 6:05am
im in the same spot DH wants me to have a baby shower (but it would be mostly his mom and her friends) i threw my own with my daughter and was disapointed so i didnt have one with my son now since im pretty sure this will be the last baby im open to the idea. his family likes partys and reasons for the church to get together and enjoy the time. I think ive decided to have a welcome home party after babys born that way you know what you still will need and everyone can see the baby once and not filter in and out for the first few weeks

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Aug. 8, 2012 3:33am
Thanks ladies, I will be only having 1 party due to budget lol.

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Answered by Gabrielle_Jeremy - Aug. 8, 2012 3:02am
I like your idea of having two parties, shower to celebrate the coming arrival of the baby and then a party to celebrate the arrival. If people thinking you're having two just for the gifts then they don't need to come...

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Answered by a member - Aug. 7, 2012 11:06pm
I think if you are planning to throw both parties yourself (although etiquette-wise you shouldn't throw your own baby shower), it should be one or the other or it may seem like you are having 2 parties for the gifts. Just my opinion though:-)

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