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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Amarylis

Q: Did you dream baby had down syndrome and the dream be right?

I had a very vivid dream about my baby again last night. I once again dreamt it is a boy but this time it was different.
I have never dreamt about the baby having down syndrome.
Has anyone else dreamt about something like that? I have had dreams about other things in life and the dream ended up being real.
Did you have a dream about something being wrong with your baby and it be right?
Or is this just one of those vivid pregnancy dreams?
I am getting the ultrasound screening for it done today.

This question was asked Oct. 11, 2011 3:13pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by KMay23 - Oct. 16, 2011 2:44am
You can have very vivid dreams about totally off the wall things and the things you are nervous about when you are pregnant. Try not to worry b/c let me share something very ironic with you. When I was pregnant with my daughter my blood test came back with a very very high probabililty for down syndrome but they could never tell much from the other tests. Of course I would never terminate for that so I didn't bother with a an amneocentesis. My daughter came out perfectly fine but I did spend a lot of time worrying about it during pregnancy. So the moral of my little story is that you could be told the baby has it and it doesn't or vise verca. It was probably just a freak dream b/c you were nervous about the test. Hang in there and try not to focus on the what if's!

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Answered by Amarylis - Oct. 11, 2011 5:53pm
well won't know until baby comes. Was uncooperative for ultrasound number 2 and now I will be too far along to go back for it.

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Answered by HBlade - Oct. 11, 2011 4:07pm
Its probably just on your mind since you have the testing today.

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