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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Sabrina

Q: Is it possible to get round ligament pain as early as 4 weeks??

Every now and then when I get up from sitting or when I roll over in bed I'll get a quick stabbing pain when I move kind of like the where I get the ovary pain when I ovulation Right near my hip bones. It's only when I move certain ways it's not constant or crampy pain.

This question was asked Oct. 11, 2011 9:35pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by gotthategg84 - Oct. 15, 2011 5:42am
It's how I found out I was pregnant yesterday :) Only 4 weeks. We were only gonna test next weeks Saturday, but I got terrible cramps that nothing made better, so I went to the doctor, she took a test, told me I', pregnant and did a scan to make sure everything else is fine as well. Obviously too early to see baby, but everything else is fine. She says it's all completely normal. Every pregnancy is different. I started cramping at 4 DPO and the last 2 days have been the worst. So I would say it completely normal as well. She gave me great advice for the cramps. On your back on the floor, put you legs on a chair and just lay there or move from side to side. Did this yesterday and had a full nights rest for the first time in 2 weeks!

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Answered by krittarae - Oct. 13, 2011 9:15pm
I began having round lig pain around 6 weeks. I don't think it is caused by my movement though, it's a strong, sharp pulling type pain and it lasts sometimes 15 seconds or so. I suppose what you are experiencing could be round lig pain, but there are a few other pains associated with early pregnancy...I have a feeling when you do have round lig pain, you'll know that's exactly what it is.

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Answered by Sabrina - Oct. 12, 2011 9:09pm
I think it's round lig pain this is my 5th pregnancy. But only 2 live births. Miscarriage pain is more crampy and achy. This is a quick stabbing pain. l like nerve pain. I've done some research the ligaments are spasming and it irritates the nerve that's near to it. Almost like sciatica of the uterus. If you ever had sciatica pain you know it can bring you to your knees. Some things I read said round ligament pain can be pretty severe. but it's normal.

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Answered by allioak - Oct. 12, 2011 4:36pm
It could be round ligament, or it could be an ovarian cyst. I had that pain mostly on my right cyst and it was an ovarian cyst that they assumed was providing hormones before the placenta took over. They told me it would go away around 10 weeks. At my 12 week scan it was gone! I felt it mostly when I jerked my body or got out of bed. I also have pains now that I think is from my uterus moving up and stretching, which is probably the round ligament pain. I've had tons of cramps/pains, and it seems there are many reasons to cause those. Joy of pregnancy!

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Answered by onemor83 - Oct. 12, 2011 12:18pm
I started getting them about 6 wks so yes its possible, with pregnancy everything is possible lol

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Answered by a guest - Oct. 11, 2011 10:00pm
i have had similar pains. Its always on the left side and usually when im laying on that side or just get up. its like a sharp stabby pain and it feels really tight on my left side and then after a few seconds its like it spreads out and goes away. Im thinking thats what im having too but no one has been able to answer that question. Im not having bleeding with it and im not cramping anywhere else. I think we are just stretching..

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