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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by KMay23

Q: Non stop twitching right eye....

Hello :) I am 5 weeks pregnant. This is so weird, I have a non stop twitching/tingling sensation near my lower right eye socket, sinus area. I mean other people can see it when its twitching! lol - feel like a freak :( Anyway called OB, she was worried about Bells Palsy so sent me to my Primary who said its definatley not Bells Palsy and didn't really know what it was??? Soooo....Im not too concerned, just annoyed! Anyone else have this in very early pregnancy?

This question was asked Oct. 14, 2011 2:53am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Xdancer - Oct. 14, 2011 2:53pm
They work for me. I hope they'll work for you too - it's very annoying when it happens!

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Answered by KMay23 - Oct. 14, 2011 2:19pm
Thank you Xdancer!

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Answered by TrishG - Oct. 14, 2011 11:03am
I have been having twitching on my right eye as well. I am 6 weeks. I figured it was stress related, even though I haven't felt very stressed. I might have to look into magnesium!

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Answered by Xdancer - Oct. 14, 2011 10:58am
I have had it before (both when pregnant and before pregnancy) and for me it usually indicates a lack of magnesium or vitamin D. If sitting in the sun for at 15mins everyday doesn't sort it, I take a magnesium supplement.

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