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Category: Baby Names

Asked by ginabee

Q: Name Dilemma

So, my DH and I settled on the name Corbin Quinn for our boy. Well now we're thinking of switching it to Quinn Corbin. Equally cute and special.

I'm so used to lovingly calling him "Corby" now that I'm having a hard time figuring out which is better.

What do you ladies think? Should Corbin or Quinn be his first name?

This question was asked Aug. 24, 2012 3:45pm
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by kristy415 - Aug. 27, 2012 11:20pm
Corbin Quinn flows better!

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Answered by ginabee - Aug. 24, 2012 5:04pm
I love that all of you ladies have the same idea I did :)

Thank you for your inputs!!!

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Answered by BritsExpecting88 - Aug. 24, 2012 4:20pm
Corbin Quinn!

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Aug. 24, 2012 4:38pm
I think Corbin Quinn flows better than Quinn Corbin, just my opinion :)

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Answered by firebrand4Him - Aug. 24, 2012 4:23pm
After saying them both, Corbin Quinn sounds more natural to say/ sounds better. You can probably try saying both but add your surname when you say it & see which one sounds better. Hope that helps :-)

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Answered by swtangel25 - Aug. 25, 2012 6:28pm
I agree totally... I like "Corby!"

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Answered by DanielleS - Aug. 24, 2012 4:28pm
Corbin Quinn!

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Answered by Noelle8905 - Aug. 24, 2012 4:20pm
I think both ways are really cute!! But i think Corbin Quinn flows a little better, but If you go with Quinn Corbin you could call him Quinny!

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