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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by MevensGirl

Q: Lower back pain and mentrual like cramping at 28 weeks

I've been having lower back pain and cramps similar to strong menstrual cramps since this afternoon. The pain seems to come and go but there is not really a distinct beginning and end to the pain. I'm not having any tightening of the belly. I tried resting and drinking some water. The pain seemed to lessen after about 45 minutes but not go away completely.

My doc is closed and I can't decide if I should just go to the emergency room or wait and see if the pain is gone by the time my doc is open.

Has anyone had this happen before? Should I go to the ER or wait for my doc?

This question was asked Oct. 14, 2011 11:41pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Dec11baby - Oct. 18, 2011 3:31pm
(continued)... so they did vaginal u/s to make sure cervix wasn't dilating and luckily I wasn't effacing or dialating but they certainly wanted to stop the contractions, so they gave me a shot to stop them and monitored me for an hour longer. Also did that test were they swab my cervix to see if baby will come in the next couple weeks and it came out negative (thank goodness!) I was then sent home and luckily haven't experienced anything like this since then. The point of this whole story is that sometimes you have to listen to your own body and that doctors don't know everything...they aren't feeling what u are feeling so it is difficult for them to know what is going on sometimes. My ob office kinda made me feel like a baby and they kept telling me it was ligament pain and to get one of those maternity belly supports to help...but I knew that something felt different! Trust yourself!

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Answered by Dec11baby - Oct. 18, 2011 3:26pm
I had the same thing around 27 weeks. I had some braxton hicks contractions for awhile before with no issues, but one Friday afternoon at work, I began getting a dull back ache and menstral like cramps. I spent most of the evening in bed. The cramping continued off & on the next day, was fine on Sunday & Monday, then they started again on Tuesday. My ob was off that day, so I went home from work early & rested. Called her on Wednesday and they saw me, but my cervix was closed/thick and baby was fine...so they said it was ligament pain. But the pain continued. And my tummy would also get very tight sometimes, especially when standing up. Called them again on Thursday afternoon (about a week since it started) and they made me feel like a baby but told me that if the pain was too bad, I could head over to the hospital. So I did. They put me on the monitor and sure enough, I was having actual regular contractions. Not big ones, but regular enough.

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Answered by MevensGirl - Oct. 16, 2011 5:25pm
Thanks Brandy. I started having tightening of the belly every time I stand. I ended up getting in touch with my doctor. And she said as long as I can make the tightening stop with rest and lots of water, that I do not need to come into the ER. The cramping and back pain has slowly subsided and I am trying to rest and drink as much water as possible.

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Answered by brandy211 - Oct. 14, 2011 11:46pm
if i was u id go to the ER just in case because when my friend was in labor she told me it felt like strong period cramps and she had back pain as well. if it was me id go just to make sure u dont wanna not go and then it be real labor u know what i mean.. best of luck

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