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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Amarylis

Q: How does it feel when you feel baby move for the first time?

I had this weird feeling this morning. It felt like a gas bubble but not. More of like a brushing, woosh feeling.
Could that have been the baby?

This question was asked Oct. 15, 2011 3:36pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by mandib17 - Oct. 17, 2011 11:42pm
I was 16 weeks when I started feeling these taps. It was like someone lightly poking me from the inside. It still feels like that now, but stronger and more distinct. I am 22 weeks and I have been able to actually see my stomach move when the baby moves. What you are feeling is the baby! Enjoy!

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Answered by octivia - Oct. 17, 2011 4:04am
Im 16 weeks and I just started to feel odd, gas-bubble-poke movement. My midwife said that it probably is the baby

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Answered by Amarylis - Oct. 16, 2011 2:37am
I have felt it more this evening. Thanks for the responses. Will have to see if I have the same thing tomorrow as well.

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Answered by KMay23 - Oct. 16, 2011 2:36am
That is exactly what it felt like the first time I fel my daughter in my first pregnancy. I was about 16 weeks at the time. I remember I had an appointment that day and my OB said - its probably just gas b/c you wouldn't really feel it this early but I knew it was her. I felt it 3 more times that day! Trust your instincts. It was probably your love bug :)

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Answered by Roxanne - Oct. 15, 2011 9:10pm
I am only 12 weeks today and I'm pretty sure I feel those bubbles too, esp when I lay still after being busy. I do remember that from my first pregnancy as well. It sure is an awesome feeling...:) enjoy

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