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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by -Lee-B

Q: Morning Sickness...how?

Strange question but...for those of you that vomit...do you run to the bathroom or use a bowl? Growing up when sick my mom always tucked me into bed with a big bowl. So naturally now that I am sick, and it hits wham, out of nowhere I don't run to the bathroom. I instead carry large ziploc bags which nicely contain the mess/smell.

My husband finds this odd and keeps asking/hinting that I should go hang out in the bathroom.

My response has been...I don't plan to spend the next 7 months in the bathroom waiting incase I throw up! Not to mention I am pretty sure I'd make it midhallway and hit the carpet instead!!!

Not surewhy but I am urious for those that have had morning sickness for awhile (mine is just ramping up)...do you just hangout in the bathroom each day?

This question was asked Aug. 31, 2012 2:49pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Addie02 - Sep. 1, 2012 3:42am
Personally I find the ziploc bag idea a little odd, because then other people have to see it after you're done vomiting (they're clear, right?) But I don't think it's fair to HAVE to hang out in the bathroom. Maybe compromise a bit so that the receptacle hides the mess more, but you don't have to stay in the bathroom?

My favorite solution: go to BBB or Target and get a super cute designated "morning sickness" trash can. You can keep several opaque bags layered in it at once, and just tie one up/ take it out as needed (and hubby doesn't have to see the ick, though he might see the retching). I did this until I figured out that if I ate a steady stream of saltine crackers I can manage just fine, and it worked really well for me. Good luck!

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Sep. 1, 2012 1:56am
i go for the garbage can :) unless im close to bathroom

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Sep. 1, 2012 12:40am
I would definitely try to get to the bathroom and get sick in the toilet. A sink isn't meant to take that kind of thing. It likely will clog it one day. I could always tell when it was close and was able to run to the bathroom or ensure I don't puke until I got there...I vomited an average of 3-4 times a day. I would even wake up int he middle of the night and have to run to the bathroom instantly. So it happened to me a lot!

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Answered by ef99744 - Aug. 31, 2012 9:13pm
Plus I used to throw up on the kitchen floor and in the kitchen sink cos I would think I was ok and go make coffee then not be able to move and just throw ;)

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Answered by ef99744 - Aug. 31, 2012 9:11pm
I used to keep a bowl by my bed in case I didn't make it to the bathroom, plus the fact that I couldn't cope with running to the bathroom every 2 minutes and it was easier to throw up in a bowl! When I was driving I kept a jug and a bag on the seat next to me cos I always had to pull over to throw up and when I was out I would keep a plastic bag with me. Do what is easy for you! :)

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Answered by maggie22 - Aug. 31, 2012 8:18pm
i run to the bathroom sink. I usually make it lol.

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Answered by -Lee-B - Aug. 31, 2012 4:22pm
After not eating anything solid this morning and not keeping liquids down I said the heck with it...if I am going to throw up all day I may as well make it colourful and I started off with a neon fruit by the foot (the junk snack for kids). It stayed down and I've since had other meals...but that would have been pretty colourful!!
Sometimes I get to the point where it's like well if eating dry crackers makes me feel like crap anyways I may as well go all out and eat something tasty!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Aug. 31, 2012 4:19pm
monroezelda - that's sort of what I think would happen if I tried to make it there! Danni179...I have no idea how you'd make it 2 floors down!!!!!

For the record...my husband has been quite understanding (I whine a LOT, lol) and isn't so much complaining as he is confused. He grew up running to the toilet to throw up so the whole concept of using a bowl (now bag) baffles him!! He was quite good this morning when I woke and handed him a full bag to go throw out! Though, my passing the bag over to him may make him think the toilet is a better place!

I can't believe you could make it 2 floors down. I've always got a bag at arms reach and I am impressed when I make that in time!!

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Answered by monroezelda - Aug. 31, 2012 3:32pm
when I was having my first, it was like something from a horror movie, my partner lived in a shared house at the time, and it was worth 500,000 pound with very nice decor sadly I hardly ever made it to the bathroom, throwing up all over my partners bed, all over the bedroom carpet, all up the stairs ( which had a nice cream colour carpet on :/ I do not think the owner was impressed ha ha, my 4th pregnancy was awful, and I used to lay in bed with a bowl because I was bed ridden and physically couldnt stand for more than 5 minutes, this is my 5th pregnancy but will be my 4th child, I have not been as bad as 1 and 4 but worse than 2 and 3 :/ I manage to get the bathroom with this one luckily.

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Answered by danni179 - Aug. 31, 2012 3:01pm
i managed to always wait to get to the bathroom. Even when i was well enough to actually go into work i still managed to make it to the bathroom in time and that was 2 floors down from my office :/ i always get sick every month when i get my period so maybe i have learned to either control it, or know when its coming?
If your husband is moaning about your habits now, god help what he is going to have to put up with for the rest of your pregnancy, haha! Do what you want, you are doing an amazing job making a baby!

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