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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by memagoli

Q: Sore Breasts?

ok i have a few pregnancy symptoms but sore breasts is not one of them. am i alone? anyone else NOT have sore or tender boobs?

This question was asked Oct. 16, 2011 7:04pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by a guest - Nov. 23, 2011 8:41am
i'm 7 weeks... 0 breast pain. My first pregnancy a breeze made me cry they hurt so bad.

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Answered by memagoli - Oct. 19, 2011 11:58pm
i'm glad to hear i'm not alone cause everything i read says that thats one of the first symptoms you get when u r pregnant. this is my 3rd pregnancy, my last one i miscarried at 6 weeks...didnt have sore boobs with that one either but my nipples were a bit sensitive...imy first pregnancy was 10 years ago so i just dont remember too much at the beginning. thanx for the responses...i will stop worrying. :)

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Answered by krittarae - Oct. 19, 2011 8:40pm
with this pregnancy (it is my second, the first ended in miscarriage at 8 weeks), my boobs didn't start hurting until after 8 weeks, and even then, it's not even close to being as painful as it was with the first one. Is this your first pregnancy? I have heard that each pregnancy brings a little less tenderness because the tissues in your breasts have already gone through the major changes necessary during the first pregnancy. hope that helps!

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Answered by mandib17 - Oct. 17, 2011 11:37pm
My boobs were sore off and on with this pregnancy. It would scare me, but everything is fine and the soreness has to do with the fluctuation of hormones, so if your hormones are more balanced out at this point, then they may not be sore or as sore. I have heard of lots of women that do not have sore boobs.

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