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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by motherbutler

Q: brown bread crumb looking spotting

I had a vaginal ultrasound and pelvic exam 2 days ago and since last night I have been having some brown discharge thats clumpy and kinda looks like bread crumbs. Ive read that other people have had this and some were fine and others miscarried. Its only brown not red, but Im still worried. I see my doctor in a week and a half and I know they cant save my pregnancy if its failing so Im not going to the ER but If anyone has had this please tell me how your pregnancy continued. Im so scared.

This question was asked Oct. 16, 2011 7:32pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by allioak - Oct. 18, 2011 1:14am
I had a subchorionic hemorrhage at 7.5 weeks which was spotting, but also after my last pelvic exam around 9 weeks I had spotting. Brown each time. They warned me after the pelvic exam that I may spot a couple days.

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Answered by MustangHotty09 - Oct. 18, 2011 12:46am
They should of told you its normal to have a little bit of spotting after and exam. I'm sure your fine.

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Answered by motherbutler - Oct. 17, 2011 1:48am
UPDATE: The spotting has stopped. Hopefully it was only from the exam. No cramping or anything. Im praying we're in the clear.

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Answered by jkg9510 - Oct. 17, 2011 1:23am
I had similar spotting. I was 7 weeks along and went to the ER and they found a subchorionic hemorrhage. I was on bedrest for a week and when I got in to my regular doctor it was gone but continued to spot from the residuals. I can't say you aren't going to miscarry, but spotting can be common in early pregnancy. Good luck!

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