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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: When is the soonest you can hear the baby's heartbeat?

I never got to hear it last time, m/c. So I am wondering when I can look forward to it this time. I am 4 weeks today!

This question was asked Sep. 9, 2012 12:28am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by maria.last91 - Sep. 10, 2012 4:30pm
Awww congrats lady :D
I hear my baby's heart beat at exactly 9w0d, it was the best feeling in the world. Get prepared to shed some happy tears because there are a lot of good things in this world, but this one beats all of them by far!!!
Best of luck!!

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Answered by lucy1706 - Sep. 10, 2012 9:51am
We saw baby's h/b at 8 week scan. I was able to pick up on doppler at around 10 week mark

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Answered by tibby8 - Sep. 9, 2012 10:00pm
i saw my bubs heartbeat at 6w5d but didnt hear it til 10w5d i believe. Congrats!

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Answered by madijoh - Sep. 9, 2012 7:58pm
I just heard mine last week and I was 12w3d. I'm sure I could've heard it earlier, but it was still an awesome experience!

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Answered by dmartin65 - Sep. 9, 2012 3:05pm
I respectfully disagree Layne. My OB used a doppler. Heard it perfectly. :0)

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Sep. 9, 2012 11:45am
saw at 6 weeks heard at 10,anything on an ultrasound prior to 9 weeks i blv is a computer generated sound to match flickering sounds

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Answered by monroezelda - Sep. 9, 2012 9:46am
with my last pregnancy I had a early scan due to spotting at 5 weeks 4 days we seen the heartbeat then, with all my others I didn't hear it till my second midwife appointment which was 15 to 16 weeks.

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Answered by gemma1991 - Sep. 9, 2012 8:25am
iheard mine at 9 weeks with ahome doopler x

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Answered by jacksonwest - Sep. 9, 2012 3:13am
Saw it at exactly 7 weeks, but couldn't hear it. Hopefully will hear it at my next one in 5 weeks!

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Answered by jkarleen - Sep. 9, 2012 12:58am
We saw the heartbeat at 5 weeks 6 days (was 104 bpm) then we heard it for the first time at 7 weeks :) congrats on your pregnancy!!

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