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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Bbennett80

Q: Not in the mood?

Anyone else totally unmotivated for sex in first trimester? I'm so tired And feel so blah all the time I don't want to. My husband is getting mad but I just don't want too.

This question was asked Oct. 1, 2012 5:59pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by tibby8 - Oct. 4, 2012 6:37pm
I've lost total interest. Unfortunately I get irritated when hubby comes sniffing around looking for some lol at first I was sweet and understanding about it and would at least try but now that I'm soon to be 35 weeks if I see those hands trying to come near me I threaten to break them lol. Its normal to either have increased or decreased libido. Mine just happens to be a severe case. Good luck Hun hope things turn around (:

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Answered by jacksonwest - Oct. 2, 2012 2:58am
Me! I'm almost 11 wks and it's just starting to come back.

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Answered by nursecupcake - Oct. 1, 2012 7:17pm
I've read that it is very normal. It differs for everyone though. I was kind of okay starting week 8 but before that I was really feeling sick that sex was the last thing on my mind. I agree maybe you guys can be intimate in other ways.

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Answered by ginabee - Oct. 1, 2012 7:10pm
Totally normal, especially in the beginning. It got better for me once the nausea and fatigue subsided a little bit. I actually have quite a libido now! Just help him understand what it is you're going through, and maybe be intimate in other ways?

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Oct. 1, 2012 6:11pm
Same thing happened here- but it's been most of the pregnancy for me. It's completely normal. Not much we can do about it!

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