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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by a member

Q: does this mean i can go into labor any time?

last night i asked DH if he can check me because of all the pain i have been lately well he said he could feel what he thinks is the babys head but the cirvix is closed with head being so low in the vaginal area does that mean i could go sooner or later?

This question was asked Nov. 13, 2011 3:59pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by onemor83 - Nov. 14, 2011 1:42pm
Is your husband a licensed doctor of some kind? If not, him checking you wasnt a good idea. If your cervix is closed then hes not feeling anything down there. Your baby will come when its time & if not then you'll be induced. Be patient & good luck.

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Answered by a guest - Nov. 13, 2011 7:26pm
This probably means the baby has 'dropped', meaning it has come down and the head is now sitting in position in the pelvis - this is when you waddle when you walk!!! :)
If this is your first baby this can happen as early as 3 weeks before you go into labour, with subsequent babies it normally happens just before labour. BUT... my first didnt drop until my waters broke which started my labour, so probably best to prepare yourself for labour being possible any time from now :) Good luck:)

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