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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by onemor83

Q: Any of you ladies ever been diagnosed with marginal previa & if so what was the end result??

My placenta was noticed at the bottom of the baby instead of the top at my 22 wk ultrasound ( my 2nd ultrasound) they had me come back in at 26 weeks & no change...so now I have to come back in 6 wks which will put me at 32 wks to see if it moves up any. At the moment my placenta is about 1cm to the side of my cervix & the doctor wants it about 2-3cm for it to be safe enough to deliver vaginally...I don't want to have a c-section but at this point thats what it looks like :(

This question was asked Nov. 14, 2011 1:55pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by onemor83 - Nov. 14, 2011 5:32pm
Thanks for responding....gives me a bit of comfort.....same to you octivia!!

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Answered by Xdancer - Nov. 14, 2011 4:47pm
I was told the same thing at my 20 week scan. I had another scan at 32 weeks and everything was fine. I'm now on course for a normal delivery in just under 4 weeks time.
Your uterus will strech som much between now and 32 weeks that the placenta could be pulled up with it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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Answered by octivia - Nov. 14, 2011 4:07pm
I'm in the same situation. At 18 weeks my placenta was "low-lying" and needs to move 2 cm in order for me to have a vaginal delivery. I'm 21 weeks now, and will go in January to see if it has moved, I'm so upset, I don't want a c-section...I hope yours moves !

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