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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by tom1jerry

Q: No heartbeaat at 6w0d, Normal??

I had a 6 week ultrasound on 12/7. We found out we're having twins but we didn't see or hear a heartbeat. We are scheduled to go in again at 8 weeks for the heartbeat.
I'm wondering if any of you had an ultrasound around the 6 week mark and didn't see or hear a heartbeat but had an ultrasound later on that did. If so when was your next ultrasound.

This question was asked Dec. 10, 2012 8:54pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by estone - Dec. 11, 2012 12:34am
Totally normal...I went in at 5 weeks 6 days and saw g/s and y/s and 2 weeks later, we saw the HB. Congrats!

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Answered by zaiobaio - Dec. 10, 2012 10:44pm
I had bleeding in early pregnancy ' so my first scan was at 6+2...they saw the gestational and yolk sac but didnt see baby or heart beat,so they asked me to come back after 2 weeks. I expected the worst but in 8+2 we saw our little angel and healthy hearbeat. Now im 29+3 weeks and have healthy pregnancy. Hope this help and wish you good luck and happy and healthy 9 months.

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Answered by jkarleen - Dec. 10, 2012 10:14pm
Have they taken your hcg? I think the hcg has to be high enough to detect a heartbeat. Is the 6 week date you have based on your LMP or did they measure and give you that date. I would bet your dates are off or your hcg wasn't high enough yet to detect. If they were worried they would have told you. Congrats mama!!

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Answered by clairemuno - Dec. 10, 2012 9:33pm
doesnt really relate to me but a friend of mine found out she was carrying twins had u/s at 6w1d and no heartbeat then again at 7w3d and still nothing then another one at 9w0d and both had really strong heartbeats tech was surprised because at the 7w3d scan she was told to expect the worst but now she has 2 healthy boys

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