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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by jnetcrum

Q: What are my Odds? Anyone with a similar experience, please share

I am 37 years old. I had a miscarriage in September due to a blighted ovum at 8 weeks.

I recently became pregnant again. We went in for an ultrasound the day after we found out. We saw a gestational sack and a yolk and the "assumed" I was about 5 weeks.

One week later, 2nd ultrasound, measured 5 weeks 4 days. Heart beat of 92 bpm. I knew that was low but wasn't too concerned because it could have just started.

5 days later, 3rd ultrasound, measure 6 weeks 2 days, heart rate dropped to 82 bpm.

Going in again this next Tuesday for 4th ultrasound. I'm prepared for the worst. Especially since the heart rate keeps dropping.

The doctors tell me that as long as the heart is still beating there is still hope.

Anyone have a similar experience to share? I am not opposed to brutal honesty by the way.

This question was asked Dec. 14, 2012 6:15pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Chapmankate80 - Dec. 14, 2012 9:11pm
I had a miscarriage in October and I'm pregnant again like you went for an early scan was sure I was 7 weeks was told they could see only gastetion sack and yolk and I'm only 5 weeks went for 2 nd scan week later and there was a heart beat and was told im7 weeks 4 days so everything can happen pray for you that everything will be fine

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Answered by a member - Dec. 14, 2012 7:43pm
I never had this but when I went in fot my u/s at five weeks his/her heart beat was beating at 152 bpm. I hopwe u little one is just coming on slow.. Best of wishes..

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