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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by brittthomp4

Q: Progesterone and Pregnancy, recurrent early miscarriages...

I have suffered 3 early losses and now I am looking for answers and progesterone levels seems to be an obvious one, are there signs you have low progesterone? Has anyone else had recurrent early miscarriages and found out what the problem was?

This question was asked Dec. 29, 2012 11:35pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Dec. 30, 2012 4:11pm
I lost my pregnancy in late October to a very large blood clot that formed between the placenta and the uterine wall....however, I do not have a clotting disorder after being tested for one. Doctor was "sure" I had one....but....I don't. That is one test to ask for...

I was also tested for autoimmune diseases (Lupus, etc.), clotting factors, Factor V, thyroid function and was run for genetic testing from the tissues of my D&C (along with the baby's tissues).

You can ask for those blood tests for sure. Doctor should be doing them actually, after your 3 losses. Progesterone levels should be checked.....your RH factor.

Make a list and definitely ask for everything!! You have a right to be tested!

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Answered by addizmnz - Dec. 30, 2012 3:13pm
I never had a miscarriage, but I did not ovulate on my own (ended up using clomid) and had low progesterone, so the doctor put me on it. Signs of low progesterone can be: irregular period, low energy, weight gain, depression, and others. It can also be related to other conditions (like PCOS for me). I used Crinone brand progesterone gel. Ask your doctor if he/she will just let you try it out -- like PP said, it is pricey, but worth it if it helps you keep the pregnancy! Sometimes they can give you samples and coupons to help out too.

Also, a friend of mine had recurrent miscarriages, and it turned out she was Rh negative and her husband was Rh positive, so it was causing problems. Maybe have them check you for that if they haven't already.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 30, 2012 5:11am
I had two early miscarriages(before 5 weeks) and after that I also started taking baby aspirin. I also used Fertile CM which I guess can help with implantation. I never had any tests done but the baby aspirin seemed to work. i am now 7 weeks along and everything is going great. I also happened to have a holiday from work a few weeks after I got pregnant. Maybe the decrease in my stress level helped too.

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Answered by BakerLady - Dec. 30, 2012 2:40am
Also try Vitamin B6 or a B Complex Vitamin with at least 50mg of B6 in it. It helps lengthen you luteal phase, and has been shown to help with progesterone. I had been taking it for 2 months (I had a short luteal phase - less than 10 days) and it had increased my luteal to phase to 11-12 days and I got pregnant with my first daughter! I then got pregnant 6 months after that, but hadn't been taking B6 and I ended up having a chemical pregnancy. Fast forward a bit, and I got pregnant with my 2nd daughter, and I had been taking the B6 again for months. Now, 7 months after DD#2 was born, I am pregnant again! And I have also been taking the B6 (along with the pre-natal vitamin still) for months. So 3 times I was taking the B6, I get pregnant. The one time I'm not, it ends up being a chemical pregnancy. (Oh, I had never got pregnant ever before my first daughter.) I'm convinced that it is the B6 that has helped me get pregnant each time!

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Answered by brittthomp4 - Dec. 30, 2012 1:32am
What kind of progesterone cream do you use? is there a good or better kind to use? When do I need to start using it?

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Answered by mere880 - Dec. 30, 2012 1:27am
I have had 3 miscarriages in the last year. I was never tested for low progesterone i was just put on progesterone cream to try it out (it does no harm to try it but it is spendy if you dont have good insurance) The problem with accurate testing for luteal phase defect (low progesterone) is it takes months. they have catch you exactly 3 days before your period is due and take a sample from your cervix for 3 months and compair them all and come up with a decision if you have it or not...my doctor told me hardly anyone does it. they just get progesterone and try it out. i am currently 7 weeks pregnant with a healthy pregnancy thus far ( i have never made it past 4 1/2 weeks with any of my miscarriages) i took it into my own hands and did alot of research and started taking a baby aspirin a day (proven to help when youve had multiple miscarriages) took progesterone and also took a vitamin D supplement (i read low vit d can also cause micarriages) I recommend you try all 3!!

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