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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Q: Anyone else break out in their early pregnancy?

Hello ladies!
So I am almost 9 weeks ! Though ever since I was 7w6d I started breaking out all over my back really really bad. I was up really well and haven't changed anything(body wash,detergent ext). I also started breaking out inbetween my breasts and in the inner most part. Is it the hormonal change? Anyone else experience this during their pregnancy? Does it only happen with a general sex?

This question was asked Feb. 8, 2013 1:36pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by StephyRenee - Feb. 14, 2013 1:14am
I started breaking out on my chin and my chest before I even knew I was pregnant! I thought I was just having an intense PMS reaction lol. I'm not even upset now though. I'll take the breakouts if it means there's a baby in there lol

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Answered by Addie02 - Feb. 10, 2013 9:23pm
(oh and I'm having a boy, still eat LOTS of dairy and this is my first pregnancy as well, so I think it's probably just a side effect of pregnancy in general, not of any other factors individually)

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Answered by Addie02 - Feb. 10, 2013 9:21pm
I broke out a LOT the first trimester, and a little less in my second, but now in my 3rd my skin is more clear than it has ever been before, which is nice :)

It's probably different for everyone, but hopefully yours will start to clear up soon!

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Answered by newmommyamandamarie - Feb. 9, 2013 7:51am
I started to break out before I found out I was pregnant which is the reason I got a test before I missed my period, It was positive and I had never had bad break out before in my life and my face gets so dry and blotchy and acne every where, I think it has to do with the hormones your body is not use too But I also found out i'm having a baby girl and that could be the cause of my break outs and dry skin because every one that has had boy never really broke out that I know of, Good luck!

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Answered by FirstTimeMommyx0 - Feb. 8, 2013 7:54pm
omg this sounds JUST like me! I am 7w 5d and my back broke out so bad and all over my chin and a little around my boobs and chest!! I HATE IT!! I know its normal and is from all the hormones in our body but ugh I feel ur pain! :( I have heard people say that if ur pregnant with a girl she will steel the beauty from you lol but Im sure thats not true, just another gender thing people say

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Answered by Charlotte17 - Feb. 8, 2013 6:21pm
I broke out really badly starting right around 5 weeks. It started to improve around 17 weeks but my skin is still more broken out now than it was before I got pregnant. My doctor said that facial soaps that contain salicylic acid used once a day are ok and it's really the oral version or harsh chemical peels that are not safe. I use an acne wash that contains salicylic acid at night and then a gentle cleanser in the morning and that seems to have helped. Check with your doctor about what they think is safe.

Check out this article for info:

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Answered by GemGem - Feb. 8, 2013 4:49pm
they say try to limit dairy products as this makes it worse. Although we need dairy in our pregnancy diet, its kinda a vicious circle :( . i had the same thing early on, back, face, between my boobs, but now its calmed down and only a little on my face.but nothing very visible there is hope! although not completely gone though a little consealer does the trick! good luck with the pesky hormones. I hope they settle down very soon. GL

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Answered by kelsamagoo - Feb. 8, 2013 4:38pm
I break out periodically around my jawline and sometimes on my chin. My solution is to use my makeup to draw more attention to my eyes since I know this is hormonal (cleaners aren't going to do the trick) and only patience will get rid of the acne. It's worth it though! Just ignore it and draw attention to the good parts, like that lovely glow in your cheeks :)

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Answered by TheMrs0212 - Feb. 8, 2013 3:20pm
You're not alone! I'm 7 weeks and my face looks awful. Just another lovely side effect of all the hormones.

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Answered by nesssicle - Feb. 8, 2013 3:17pm
Ive had awful back acne since the first trimester. Im now 20 weeks and its still there, but it has gotten A LOT better. I just make sure i use my facial scrub (its all natural, no Salicylic acid or other acne medicine-its bad for your baby) on my back. Its most certainly the hormonal change because before pregnancy, i rarely got pimples, even on my face!

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