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Category: Baby Showers

Asked by brittneyp400

Q: Do I really need a baby shower?

This is my 2nd daughter, my first daughter is 2 years old and we have everything from sizes newborn to 5T clothes and size 1 to size 12 shoes, we have plastic pants, we have cloth diapers (used disposable with DD until 11 months, then she was PT'd), we have shampoo. We have the playpen that will be the baby's bed, we have a car seat and a booster seat/high chair. We don't NEED anything, but my mom wants to throw us a baby shower. The only thing we really need is lotions and even thats not necessary. Everything that we needed for this baby, we bought slowly over the past few months.

This question was asked Feb. 23, 2013 11:05pm
Category: Baby Showers

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Answered by Addie02 - Feb. 28, 2013 3:43am
You could always do a gift-less shower, or just ask people to bring a favorite book or have them help make pages for a baby book or have some other sort of celebration that doesn't require people to bring stuff. Assuming your mom is motivated by wanting to celebrate and not by the opportunity to get you free stuff, the "meet-the-baby" party idea is a good compromise, I think.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 24, 2013 10:10pm
I am also pregnant with my second daughter (my first is 2.5). No one has offered to throw a shower for us and like you we really don't need one. Our parents have asked about a few things and we have accepted a bassinet (to borrow) from my sister-in-law as what we used last time didn't work as well. Each set of parents and ourselves have bought a few outfits here and there and I have purchased a few things that I now know will make my life easier the second time around!!! Is someone were to offer me a shower I might let them do something little and make it more about your family and a fun get together!!

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Answered by janastep73 - Feb. 24, 2013 4:42am
If someone wants to throw you a shower, I would let them....maybe you could make it more of a "sprinkle" and just put things you need on a registry and if people want to buy you more stuff than that, they can.

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Answered by LalaRiley - Feb. 24, 2013 3:17am
Maybe you could convince her to throw a "Meet the baby" type party AFTER the baby is born? Then its not so much of a gift giving experience (although you will probably still get stuff) and it won't seem so unnecessary? I think it would be more fun anyways, since you don't seem to need or really want to have a full on shower. I think guests would understand that you don't need anything and it seems very responsible of you to prepare ahead of time. Good luck!

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