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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Rockabump

Q: I really need some advise...PLEASE HELP!

I have a mother In law who acts a crazy. I can't deal With it. Here is a list of some of her crazy moments. Keep in mind that my husband has raised my daughter since she was 13 months old (now 9 yrs old), his family is all she knows.
1) MIL tells my daughter she is to biologically hers so this is her first real grand baby. Why hurt a child who just wants to be loved?
2) she asked me to GIVE her my 13 month old the second time met her. So now she tells me that if I have a girl, she WILL be raising it. If we have twins she gets to pick the one to raise. WTH!
3) lets me know she will do what she wants with MY baby. What I don't know, won't hurt me. Ex: sleeping in the same bed, taking the baby to a church we don't agree with.
4) wont have a shower cause we don't belong to her church. Says A family shower there isn't enough people. WTH!
We tried talking to her but she won't listen. My DH told me to deal with it cause she won't change. BUT I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT RIGHT???

This question was asked Mar. 5, 2013 8:37pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Rockabump - Mar. 6, 2013 7:53pm
Thank you all! I knew I wasn't crazy for feeling the way I do. If my mom acted like this.....I would fel the sme way. My babies are my number one priority. So stressful!

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Answered by a member - Mar. 6, 2013 5:55pm
I honestly would tell her to fuck off lol. Excuse my language but there is no way in hell my MIL would ever try to control anything

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Answered by rachdunn2011 - Mar. 6, 2013 3:08pm
Im very lucky to have a wonderful mother in law who cares what I think. If I was in your shoes I def would not let her take my kids at all something is not right here. Better safe then sorry

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Answered by stacca - Mar. 6, 2013 10:11am
I completely agree with everyone on here... do NOT let her look after your children. Maybe distance yourselves for a little while and she may get the hint and miss out on her GRANDCHILDREN and realise she needs to step back. She had her children its your turn... if it carries on id completely cut her off until she listens to you. I feel for you hun. Good luck, congratulations and dont let her ruin enjoying YOUR children xx

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Answered by Emma78 - Mar. 6, 2013 1:07am
if my mil said that to me I would never allow her to babysit. I would just tell her I can't trust you to babysit. we will visit, you can come over and visit but you can't be alone with my kids if you don't respect my rules.that's complete bs especially sleeping with infant that to me is just dangerous!

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Answered by nesssicle - Mar. 5, 2013 11:10pm
whoa! I thought i had a crazy mother in law, but yours takes the cake! What in the world is she thinking???? Id try to catch some of her rantings on recordings if you could and in the mean time, id NEVER leave my child alone with that crazy woman! I cannot believe your Dh is just okay with this and tells you to deal with it....you definitely shouldn't put up with this crazy nonsense!

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Answered by BGGirl - Mar. 5, 2013 11:05pm
Your MIL sounds like she has some mental health issues. If you allow her around your children (either you 9 year old or the new baby) unsupervised, you could find yourself in a bad situation. I would be very careful not to allow either child to be around her knowing how crazy she acts.

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Answered by Rockabump - Mar. 5, 2013 10:56pm
Thank you ladies! I just got off the phone with her! She was talking about taking our baby to her church. I explained AGAIN that our children are not to go to that church. Her response, and I quote, " I will take my (meaning her) new baby wherever I want and you can't stop my. I have grandparent rights..... I take Lilly (my 9 year old) every chance I can and we have an agreement not to tell you. If she tells you, God will punish her"!
sorry but WTF!
I explained to her that she does not have grandparents right and needs to obey by our rules for our children! I also explained that her making my child lie to me is completely unacceptable! then threatening her with what God would do if she tells...is FLAT OUT WRONG! She needs to worry about her judgement day!
She is telling my husband right now that she wants to have full custody because we are living in sin! Huh? We're married! Didnt live together till we were.. I worry about her thoughts and don't trus

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Answered by lyssa787 - Mar. 5, 2013 9:12pm
I don't deal with my MIL that much. I just can't handle it, and yours sounds way more difficult!! If my Hubby wants our kid to chill with his mom, he has to arrange it and deal with her, because I just cant be civil around her. She drive's me nuts!! This way, I'm not telling my husband that our kiddo can't meet his mom, it's just he has to take care of it. That's helped a lot. Plus, this way I don't start any fights because...im not involved :D hopefully something like that can get figured out for you two, because NO. What she's doing does not sound okay - especially if you dont feel okay with it!!

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Answered by lucyblue - Mar. 5, 2013 8:56pm
Don't let her near your children. She is crazy and overstepping her boundaries...WAYYY over stepping them.

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