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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by bigsuze

Q: Family issues

told my family I'm pregnant and none of them are being supportive especially my dad who I idolise. None of them even asked me how I was they just called me names like f**kwit and Stupid girl I'M 24!!!! I've been in a relationship for nearly 2 years not some teenager pregnant after a 1 night stand. Feel alone :( even with my partner (who is really pissed at them right now)

This question was asked Dec. 5, 2011 9:58pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by JuneBrideCarter - Dec. 5, 2011 10:54pm
I feel that it is very wrong for any family member to be non-supportive at a time like this. ESPECIALLY if this is your first pregnancy.
I can understand maybe some anger if they don't like your partner, or frustration if you haven't finished school, or your job isn't that great, but no matter what FAMILY is the part that matters. They were there for you for your first everything else; steps, word, day of school, riding your bike w/o training wheels, school dance. Why not baby?
My thoughts are, they'll soften up once he or she is born, maaybe even before. Just remember not to stress, 'cause stress isn't good for your little growing person inside you. mmkay?

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 5, 2011 11:19pm
Although its a hard time, you are creating a new family and that should be your main priority. They will eventually come round and see the error of their ways, in the meantime don't lose out on precious moments of your pregnancy worrying about what they are thinking. Good Luck and I hope everything works out well in the end.

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Answered by bigsuze - Dec. 5, 2011 10:10pm
Decided not to chase them am going to wait for them to get over themselves and contact me. Cried once today over them don't intend to do it again

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Answered by babbosbabymama - Dec. 18, 2011 8:39pm
I'm 27, been with my husband for 8 YEARS and I am STILLl scared to tell my mother we are pregnant bc we live with her (rent an apt in the house & have our own business so we are by no means mooching)!! We planned this and everything but I know she will react similar to what your parents did bc she has done it b4. She conned me into a abortion when I was 18 (which I regret to this day, still harbor resentment toward her bc of it, specially after 2 miscarriages and over 18 months of ttc) Its hard bc we love our parents so much & we want to share our joy with them but sometimes, we just have to accept the fact that they are terribly judgemental. They are worried about themselves & just being selfish. I agree with one of the earlier posts. Just let them contact you, and when they do, let them know that they were a-holes. You are 24!! You are way past NEEDING their approval. Remember that!! Be strong & dont stress bc its not healthy. Let me kno if u need a friend bc I can d

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Dec. 5, 2011 10:25pm
good idea!! no point getting stressed over something that you cant control like others feelings. Now u just need to relax and take care of that baby!!

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Answered by angelanna - Dec. 10, 2011 8:31pm
I know how you feel. I got pregnant When i was 16, had a man who i been with for two years and we both worked, my parents were supportive then. Now i'm 28 and pregnant, and they think i'm stupid. I now have my own business and a great relationship, and we plan on building our own house in two years. . I think sometimes they just act that way to act. . . I too ignored them awhile. Now i'm 17 weeks pregnant and they started to come around after my 2nd trimester. I'm sure they'll come around. Parents have certain standards or wishes for their children. What exactly i dont know they are all different i figured mine would be mad at being pregnant at 16. Not 28!! I know it hurts i cried bad quite a few times even had yelling matches but it did no good. . . You can only take care of you and your child now. . Good luck.

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Answered by kawaimichiko - Dec. 16, 2011 6:11am
Blood is not always thicker than water. If it's toxic, leave it be.

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Dec. 5, 2011 10:06pm
this is awful. i feel terrible for you! Even if you were a pregnant teen after a 1 night stand you dont deserve to be called those terrible names by family!! I would give it time, see if they soften up and come around but in the mean time be strong and dont let them treat you like that!! i hope it gets better for you

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