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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by a member

Q: Depressed and unhappy.... What should I do? Is this normal or am I overreacting...

I just feel so defeated. I thought everything was going fine. I thought we had something stable. I thought wrong....
We've been staying at my mother in law's house the last few months and I thought we'd made an understood agreement that my husband and I would pay the bills plus pay her monthly to buy the house from her since she just got remarried and is moving in with her new husband. So instead of putting any money back for our own place we've just been paying her.
Now I'm nine months along and found out she's not going to let us rent to own the house, but was just having us pay everything to live here as long as it suits her and that she can kick us out at anytime.
I lost my better paying job right after I found out I was pregnant and currently work a long hour/ low paying job and my husband hasn't been able to find anything that pays a lot either... I'm nine months and it's too late for me to find a better paying job for the time being to start putting more money back....

This question was asked Dec. 9, 2011 6:11pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 9, 2011 8:51pm
Is there no members of your own family you can confide in, or even stay with (on your own)?
I am sorry you are having a horrible time and that your husband and MIL are dicks....but your priority should be your baby and anything that is potentially harmful and upsetting to your condition should be removed. I suggest staying with a relative of your own until things are sorted. People always act weird around their parents, so maybe taking your husband to one side and explain your feelings, maybe he doesn't realise how he's been behaving. Good Luck x

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Answered by chorizanopales - Dec. 10, 2011 1:01am
I have no family in the area and the only friends I have in the area have families of their own and no room for me... I'm just starting to feel depressed all of the time.... I'm going to try and talk to my husband tonight and see how it goes.... thank you.

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Answered by krittarae - Dec. 13, 2011 2:23pm
I know you said you don't have any family in the area to help, but what about outside your area? Is there someone you can confide in that would take you in for a while? This is a toxic situation and adding the baby in will not make it any better...best to have somewhere healthy to be before the birth. If you have to leave your husband for a while for the sake of the baby, even though it sucks and it's not how you pictured things, that may be your only choice. Is there a women's safe house in your area? Talk to local resources and see what you can find, otherwise, your baby does not deserve to be born into this terrible situation.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 9, 2011 9:35pm
You need to look hard at your situation and find the strength to do something about it. Have you not got somewhere you can go or stay with? bringing a baby into this situation doesnt seem like a good idea.. I would try and speak to your husband and if he doesnt listen... leave. Good luck

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Answered by a member - Dec. 9, 2011 6:13pm
My baby is due next month and we're screwed. At least that's how I feel. We're not allowed to do this, that, or the other. I wanted to bring some of our furniture from out of storage to use for when baby is born, but am not able.My husband and mother in law won't lift a finger to help me. And I get chewed out by both of them constantly to do everything...Buy this, clean that, and I'm just tired.
I'm a pretty happy go lucky person, but i feel like I'm living in my own personal hell...
My husband has barely shown me any affection in months and I feel like I always have to do everything for myself. I feel so lost and alone. I'm unhappy and I know that hurts my baby. I don't know where to turn or who I can talk to. Most nights I just cry myself to sleep and just wake up and lay awake after my husband comes up and goes to sleep.
He barely holds me or kisses me anymore and he never tries to have sex... ever... I'm scared he's cheating on me...He's always so severe to me nowadays...

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