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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by faith17

Q: Just a vent

So about 2 months ago I found out I was pregnant. And I told the father of my child he told me to abort because. It first son is to young. I'm keeping. My baby and am going to be a single Mom of two kids he finally. Told the truth. He just doesn't. Feel the same about be like he did three years ago says. I'm boring. And lazy I don't. Make him happy but he loves me so last week I decided. It was a new day time to open up a new chapter in my life its hurt he was my first but I wont let what he thinks of me. Define

This question was asked Apr. 2, 2013 8:25pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by farmgal72 - Apr. 3, 2013 3:30am
You will be a fab Mum and you will find its a way better environment for you and your baby to be alone and enjoy the love....rather than have the stress of a man who is not committed to you around you.
I am going to be a single Mum very soon, due in one month and feel much more at peace than with my ex.
It will be hard at times, but you will be great!

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Answered by FebBabyx - Apr. 2, 2013 8:51pm
That's all you can do hun, raise your beautiful children in the best way possible. I'm a pretty young mum too, im 20 this year and had my DD 7 weeks ago.. I think im going a pretty good job and i know you will too! It doesn't matter about your age, that's something i have learnt. Please feel free to email me anytime, congratulations on your baby! Xx

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Answered by faith17 - Apr. 2, 2013 8:29pm
Me I'm going to raise my two kids to the best if my ability. And keep him out of my life he just still hasn't. Grown up. And in time I will heal. But I'm focusing. On the positive. I will soon have another beautiful child and whether. Or not the father ants to be involved. Ill just keep it moving with my life And just a thought that came to me last week I miss his smile. But I miss mines more. ;)

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