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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by amie_lane

Q: Need help telling my parents that im pregnant

Im 15 years old and so is my boyfriend and im 5 weeks pregnant,, and me and my boyfriend aren't exactley sure about telling my parents and how to go about it without them going all godzilla on us. and knowing my dad he will..! Me and my boyfriend both wanted this and are both really happy and excited about the pregnancy. . :) We are both capable for caring and providing for the baby and for the both of us and we also have friends and his family ready to pitch in aswell.

Both of our parents fell pregnant at an early age, so hopefully they will understand and go easy on us both and be there for us for support.

I was wondering if there was an easy way with telling the parents.. the right time and how to break it to them . . . This is really getting to my boyfriend and he's stressing over it and how the parents will react. . .
PLEASE HELP <3 <3 thannkyouu

This question was asked Dec. 15, 2011 11:17am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Stellar222 - Dec. 15, 2011 8:23pm
First off, you don't sound like you're 15 :) Second, I'm not here to judge you at all. I agree, the sooner you tell them the better. Sit them down, be calm and honest. They will be upset and disppointed (in the timing - not the baby) which is acceptable and expected. But after that, they'll be there for you - you're their child and they love you. Be confident that they love you and want the best for you - be open to methods of dealing with bills, living situation, job opportunities, school completion, etc. You will all work this out together. *luck and prayers*

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Answered by onemor83 - Dec. 15, 2011 12:45pm
Ok...1st off let me just say that you & your boyfriend are not ready & capable of taking care of a baby...I said the same thing when I got pregnant at 18..I was in job corps..had no job...no car..no where to live & was homeless for a long time....babies are a lot of work, I don't care what age you are or what meens you have to take care of a baby, its never easy & you will learn that...as far as telling your parents, there is no right or wrong time. Its never an easy thing on a parent when their teen tells them their pregnant. They will try to talk you into other options so be prepared for a fight. I hope everything works out the way you want it to, sorry to be so harsh but we all need to hear the truth sometimes.. good luck

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 15, 2011 2:29pm
15? wow, I'm 28 with my first child and i'm still questioning whether I'M ready? you need to tell your parents asap so they can offer support, please do not think you will be able to do this alone. I hope they are understanding. Good Luck !

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Answered by MammahPhenette! - Dec. 15, 2011 6:01pm
hey hunn 1st off congrats :)! look im not here to go off topic i was scared as hell to tell my mom and dad that i was pregnant as well im 17 and 23 weeks. its better to tell your parents sooner than later. i advise you drag your boyfriend with you cause you dont want you mom or dad thinking hes a coward. he should man up with you and sit around the table sit on the couch or he should have a one on one time with your dad. its best and it will go easier than to have you mom find out and you have a look on your face like"ooh so thats why im getting fatt" good luck hunn! :)! if you need any more help inbox me :)!

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Answered by chorizanopales - Dec. 17, 2011 10:12pm
Babies are always a blessing and I'm happy the daddy and you are taking responsibility where most teens don't feel they should have to nowadays and I believe that is a sign of responsibility. I'm 22 and wasn't personally active until after I married my husband so I knew I'd be ready for any outcome, but I know everyone is different and I had quite a few friends who became moms at your age. They are all wonderful mothers and fathers and most of their parents came around pretty quick.
I was married to my husband for 2 yrs before we got a positive test and my father still wasn't immediately thrilled like we were. And that doesn't mean he's not happy now. He's excited to be a grandpa, but I'm his little girl and he'll always see me as such. Both your parents will worry your too young and giving too much up, but it's a natural thing and they'll come to terms pretty quick ^.^
Especially if they've been in your shoes before. Just express you plan to finish school, etc & all will be wel

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Answered by amie_lane - Dec. 18, 2011 4:07am
JUST TOLD MY MUM ( but not my dad )...! i was actually surprised with her reaction.. she took it rather easy.. she wasn't mad or cranky about it.. and she said that she going to help me through it and helpme prepare for parenting and the pregnancy.. thannkyouu Mummiee loveee you . <3

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