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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by faith17

Q: hey im new to this and i wanted to know how long is the healing process after vaginal birth

also i want to know whats better to elect a c-section or just naturally give birth , thank you every one who answerd the question i really appreciate it .

This question was asked Dec. 16, 2011 10:35pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by a member - Dec. 18, 2011 6:53am
the basic recovery time is 6 weeks for both vaginal and c-sec but that is not the same as healing. While it does take time for you vagina to recover you can still go along with your day to day activities while with a c-section you are limited to what you and your body can do.. c-sections take longer to heal because it's not built like the vagina (to tear ect) also some times with a vaginal birth you won't tear or need to be cut so that drops healing time down alot, but if you are unlucky and tear or require being cut the healing process takes longer. for me after giving birth to my almost 9lb baby I was feeling great after 3 weeks while my friend who had a c-section was in pain for closer to 12 weeks...

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Answered by a member - Dec. 18, 2011 3:16am
My mom had both and she preferred the recovery to vaginal. From what I have heard from her and others the healing process is better. Babycenter.com has videos about different birthing options (midwife, water c section etc). You could look at those to see some women's experiences.

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 17, 2011 6:21pm
Everyone is different. Certain positions will ensure you have minimal damage, but again everyone is different.

I thought i would opt for a c-section thinking is was "easier" but after doing research i am definitely going for the natural approach. The healing period after a c-section is 6 weeks and i do not want to miss out doing things for my new baby.
Good Luck with your choice.

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Answered by onemor83 - Dec. 17, 2011 2:42pm
It takes about 6-8 wks to heal & sometimes more...I heal at all different times, just depends on how bad I tore during birth...c-sections are not a better way to go..you can't do much of anything for a couple of weeks because of risk of infection & blood clots....some women prefer it, I don't because I have other children & need to be able to get up & go whenever.

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