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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by **BigV**

Q: How much are you willing to spend on your dream birth?

My whole life I have wanted a totally natural childbirth. I didn't even know that midwives/homebirths existed, but I knew I didn't want a traditional hospital birth with an OB/GYN.

Before I got pregnant, I found an in-network medical group with several midwives and I was elated! The only "downside" is that they only deliver in a hospital and you can't choose your midwife for delivery. You're basically stuck with whoever is on duty at the time. Plus, if you're still in labor when her shift ends, she can't stay any longer.

With my insurance, the ONLY thing I'll pay is the $500 hospital admission. EVERYTHING else is covered. However, I still want the true midwive/homebirth/birth center option, although it costs almost $5000. Am I crazy for being willing to spend all that money to have the birth I've always wanted? I don't want interventions, strange nurses, shift changes, being rushed to progress, etc. I just want me, my husband and my midwife.

Is that crazy? Advice pl

This question was asked Dec. 19, 2011 7:58am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by a member - Dec. 21, 2011 2:36am
From what I have heard, once that baby is in your arms you forget about the pain, procedure, etc. I respect that you want what you want, but the difference in price is significant enough for me to think twice. You will be just so elated (and busy) once your baby is here you won't care about the rest. I would put that money towards stuff for the baby (college?). However, if you can afford that, go for it. That is just my opinion coming from someone that could not spend that amount if I had a much cheaper option that could give imediate medical care if need be. Best Wishes!

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Answered by octivia - Dec. 19, 2011 4:10pm
You aren't crazy, all women should have the right to birth in a location of their choice without having to think of the cost.

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Answered by kristenm514 - Dec. 19, 2011 2:40pm
I am home birthing, and spending $3850 out of pocket. However, my midwife uses a billing service that will submit test claims, see what I will be able to get from insurance, and submit a claim for reimbursement after the birth. I will have to pay the full price out of pocket to begin with, but we are expecting to get most of it back, which means we'll end up spending LESS than we would have on a hospital birth. I'd encourage you to see if this option is available to you.
In the end, even spending a little extra is worth it to get a better birth (though I know this isn't always an option for everyone).

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 19, 2011 9:25am
You are not crazy. Bringing new life into the world is an amazing experience....especially when that new life belongs to you!!! If you have the money to spend then do it. Giving birth in an environment where you are happy, relaxed and at peace is better for the baby anyway.
Just be aware that births do not always go to plan and anything can happen, and even if you do pay $5000, you may still end up in hospital if the birth takes a different course to what can be handled within your home, but I am sure all these pros and cons will be weighed up with your chosen midwife. Good Luck!

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