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Category: Baby Showers

Asked by taran522

Q: Baby Shower Multi-Locations Help!

My husband and I do not have close family near us. The closes family is 4 hours away. My mother really wants me to have a baby shower in my hometown which is 7 hour train ride from my in-laws (it takes 5-6 hours to drive to my in-laws). For our wedding, we had two showers in different locations to allow all members of each family to attend. However, I feel that since I am pregnant traveling around that much may not be a good idea. My mother-in-law has offered to drive to my mother's house for a shower, but I feel that will exclude other members of my husband's family. I think it is fair to request not to travel too much, but I am getting the sense that some think I am over-reacting and "mothers to be worked on farms back in the day" speeches are not helping.

If anyone has had this issue, please let me know how you dealt with or resolve it would be greatly appreciated.

This question was asked Apr. 22, 2013 12:17am
Category: Baby Showers

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Answered by Tottie36 - Apr. 22, 2013 6:45am
I'm glad I'm English and can pick n choose if to have a baby shower...I won't be
Pregnancy is meant to be relaxing not stressful i feel your pain good luck xx

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Answered by Kimmiecat - Apr. 22, 2013 1:14am
I would say to go if you want, and travel early in your pregnancy rather than later.

I had a baby shower a 2 hour plane flight away at 20 weeks. My husband's family flew us up to see them. It was important to his parents because we never made it up for a wedding shower or reception.

We aren't going back to my parents for a shower. Its a full day of travel away and we're saving all our time off for baby. (This works great as an excuse for things. "I can't. I'd have to take time off and I'm saving all my pto for baby's arrival.")

Essentially, do what you're comfortable with. Traveling is definitely harder when you're pregnant.

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