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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by babbosbabymama

Q: Unsupportive Parent... How to "Break the News"

My dh and I rent an apartment from my mother and have been together for 8 years total. We lost 2 babies who were "accidents" and my mother was totally against those pregnancies. I wouldnt be surprised if she found a little joy in the fact that we lost them. This baby we wanted. We were so upset about the last mc in July that we decited we are old enough (27 and 31) to want a baby and not need our parents approval. The thing is that now that we are pregnant again (5 weeks) the reality of having to disappoint my mother is setting in all over again. We own a business as well as work 2 jobs each so we are in no way mooching, We dont get why she is so opposed and cant figure out how to make her happy about this. I love my mother and want to share this with her bc its the best times of my life and when i need her the most. I know it will be ok in time but any ideas how to break the news to her or make her understand without her putting us down? I love her but sometimes she just doe

This question was asked Dec. 22, 2011 9:55pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by babbosbabymama - Dec. 23, 2011 11:11pm
Danni just nailed it on the head with the whole adolesent thing. I feel ashamed that i want a baby but unfortunately i KNOW she is going to have a negative reaction like she did with our pregnancy that we lost this july. she still badgered me through the mc how we were stupid in the first place for letting this happen. My mother is going to act more like proudmamaerica's aunt. My senario is just like that. NOBODY has ANY idea that we planned this or they would be through the roof bc they are worried about me and my future and not realizing that this is what WE want for our future even if we arent the richest people in the world, we have REAL love and thats a lot more than half these celebs who pop out kids have. It totally sucks. You are both right and i just have to remember your encourraging words when that day comes. I know changing the subject will NEVER fly but i can always leave the room if she gets too outa hand... and i always have DH. Thank you ladies!! X

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Answered by proudmamaerica - Dec. 22, 2011 11:33pm
ah yes... I had this with my aunt. She doesn't know we tried for either of our pregnancies. If she did we would hear about how we can't afford it etc. This time when I told her she was like "oh no! just what you need!" I just smile and nod...and try to change the subject. (she's like my mom because my mom was never there for me) Her approval means a lot, but I know I'll never get it, so I just try to let it go. Good luck hun, I hope it goes well.

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Answered by danni179 - Dec. 22, 2011 11:19pm
I am 28 (been with dh 7 years) and i'm having my first baby. I was so scared to tell his parents. Then i sat back and thought, why? In my head I still felt it was wrong for me to get pregnant and my mind went back to my adolescence where "you should avoid getting pregnant at all costs". When we plucked up the courage to let them know they were over the moon and all the angst was for nothing. You have made the decision to have a child and your mother has no right to challenge your decision. Mothers will worry and will always see you as "their baby", but give her the benefit of the doubt, she may just surprise you. Good Luck.

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Answered by krittarae - Dec. 24, 2011 9:42am
I might suggest waiting until you have reached that 12 week mark. You will have come to full "terms" with your pregnancy. (Not at all saying it's a bad thing, just that even though you know it's happening, 12 weeks with that truth helps you settle into it and portray more confidence when making your announcement.) Also, at that point there is very, very little risk of miscarriage, so anything hurtful that she says will have no grip on your fear of another miscarriage. Other than that, I am so sorry you're in this situation. Hoping for the best!

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