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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by TartanLass

Q: Dose anyone else feel dreadful during 1st trimester?

This is my first pregnancy and I'm feeling dreadful both emotionally and physically. I'm so exhausted I'm struggling to get through the day at work. I feel constantly sick, tired, hungry and suffering headaches. My house is a tip and I can't find the energy or motivation to clean it. Does anyone else feel this way? And can anyone tell me if it will get better? At the moment I can't see my surviving until January feeling this awful.

This question was asked May. 22, 2013 4:57pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by ashleydshey - May. 22, 2013 5:02pm
I'm with ya! I am 10 weeks and I feel absolutely terrible. I throw up all day everyday. I live on the couch. I have never felt this bad in my life and I have two toddlers. My hubby has been really helpful with the cleaning. I'm hoping that the end is near and I can be normal again. I dont think it will last forever but at the moment it sure seems like its never going to end. Good luck. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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Answered by TartanLass - May. 23, 2013 9:17am
It's good to hear I'm not alone! Had a 14 hour sleep last night which is very unlike me as I'm usually a very active person and survive on 6 hours sleep a night. I'm counting down the days until my second trimester and hoping that I begin to feel a bit better. Not feeling excitement about having a baby yet as I spend most of the day feeling so sick. Does anyone know of any foods or natural remedies that help? Wishing you all lots of luck and health during your pregnancy :-)

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Answered by ktk157 - May. 22, 2013 6:06pm
I breezed through the first trimester with my first pregnancy(barely sick and my only mood was happy). This one has me on my behind... literally. I'm sick constantly, and have absolutely no energy for cleaning, or anything like that. I have also been having some crazy mood swings ranging from being elated one minute, to irate about anything and everything, to depressed about everything. It's been miserable! I'm just hoping it all ends when I hit the magic second trimester. You're not alone, and most moms feel better at the beginning of the second.

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Answered by maggie22 - May. 23, 2013 8:40am
Yep. sounds very familiar. I think it was the worst trimester!

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Answered by GfellInLoveBump - May. 27, 2013 1:38am
Going on 5 weeks...so tired, thirsty, getting up at 2 am to go pee and can't fall back asleep. I've been taking on less work load (self employed), trying to eat good, and drinking lots of water. Taking an hour nap every day helps so much! Maybe try to get off a bit earlier? Take on less projects? Talking to your employeer wouldn't hurt and your body needs it. I'm here for you and I'm feelin' you too! Good luck!

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Answered by Sherry52210 - May. 28, 2013 7:43am
I had the 24 hour nausea no matter what. Had to take 4 naps a day. The first was just an hour after being awake. Headaches, backaches, tummy aches, constipation/bloating. Breast and nipples so sore running water hurt. Now just over 14 weeks I'm starting to feel better. Nausea has gone away a lot. My appetite is very low as it was before being pregnant. Still constipated and the cramping is not fun what so ever. Just give it time. Hopefully you'll start to feel semi human again.

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Answered by lyssa787 - May. 22, 2013 6:25pm
It does get better :) I had a horrible first trimester and beginning of the second. throwing up, headaches, and sleeping up to 13 hours per day/night. BUT with the help of a lot of fruit smoothies (keeps energy somewhat level, and is easy on the tummy), an awesome hubby, and some zofran, i made it. You will too :)

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