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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by annbalatbat


i had my transvaginal ultrasound at 5.5 weeks pregnant of my pregnancy when they saw nothing , my OB suspected for an ectopic pregnancy . we have to wait for another 10 days for another scan to confirm ectopic. After 10 days i am 6.5 weeks i undergone another transvaginal u/s when we are able to saw elongated gestational sac implanted at lower part of my uterus but no fetal pole and yolk sac. my ob suspected for blighted ovum, i dont know what to think now :( is there anyone from you who had misdiagnosed for blighted ovum and resulted for healthy pregnany? my ob gave me only 20 percent hope out of 100 if this pregnancy will result to healthy one :( pls help :(

This question was asked Jun. 3, 2013 1:26am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by annbalatbat - Jun. 26, 2013 4:01am
thank you very much jess,

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Answered by chrysalisjade - Jun. 12, 2013 6:50am
They clearly saw a baby with a heartbeat at 6 weeks 5 days for me :/ I'm sorry

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Answered by mommx3 - Jun. 6, 2013 12:17pm
Wait, this could be viable. If your dates were off by a few days even it is common to see only a yolk sac. Pray, and if this is meant to be right now it will happen. If it doesnt work out, it is nothing you have done, your body is helping you weed out the bad eggs, so you can try again and have a healthy baby. I have seen many girls here told it was a blighted ovum and it turn out to be healthy. Just needed more time. Get a second opionion with a DR who will take your HCG levels. Your DR seems wierd bcs they didnt bother with that yet, as thats ususally the FIRST thing done, NOT an ultrasound this early for this very reason. Best of luck dear!

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Answered by annbalatbat - Jun. 5, 2013 8:05am
thanks to you Jess for the advices..

@kelliers not yet.. maybe this week.

thanks to both of you

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Answered by kelliers - Jun. 3, 2013 11:12am
Did you have blood work done?

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Answered by Jess9342 - Jun. 3, 2013 2:32am
Unfortunately, my blighted ovum was actually a blighted ovum. As much as I wanted to have hope, I found reading stories about people who were misdiagnosed made me feel great. Then I would go into my OB and be told there was nothing there. They did several ultrasounds on me in the office then sent me to do a high level ultrasound at the hospital. They also did HCG blood draws every other day. If your HCG is going down and the ultrasounds are showing nothing one after another, it sounds like it may be bad news. I'm sorry for your possible loss.

But with all that said, I hope you are one of the rare cases where everything turns out well. My thoughts are with you.

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