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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by mumma1984

Q: Does it get any easier?

I am exactly 1 week off what would of been my due date. I lost my baby boy at 14 weeks on the 14 march! My husband chooses to deal with it. By thinking it never happened and does not like to talk about it, so my question is how do I let him know that I'm hurting and that every day closer gets harder and harder to bear. I just want my baby so badly! I am ready to try again but he isn't! Any advice will be very helpful.

This question was asked Aug. 15, 2013 4:55am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 2:47pm
Hi welcome dear I am feeling pity and pain for your miscarriage problem. You should not lose hope. It is a wish of every woman to enjoy healthy baby gift to become complete mother in their life but miscarriage is demon that destroyed their dreams. There are almost 20% women face miscarriage problems in their life all over the world. I am feeling happy to help you to overcome this difficult situation on basis of my own life experience. I am living stress and depression life due to miscarriage problem. I am dying day by day due to miscarriage problem. I want to overcome this critical situation at any valuable gift with cost. We consult with the popular gynecologist of Ukraine. I want to suggest you some effective method to get maximum benefit to handle this miscarriage problem. This is golden opportunity for you to bring and leisure in your life. You should take maximum benefit from this opportunity to create win-win situation for you.

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Answered by cjsmamma08 - Jan. 2, 2014 12:40am
to be honest it does get easier on some days but it will never fully go away hun, i lost a baby girl at 19 weeks, it has been 4 years since the day i gave birth to her and it tears me up inside every single day! we have since then gotten pregnant one time and lost that baby at 6 weeks and it may not have hurt as much as losing our first baby because i was so early the 2nd time but it still hurts me... my husband hid his feelings behind alcohol quite a bit after our first loss but the second time he showed more emotion and talked to me about his fears and stuff but he still says he isnt ready to try again but we just lost our second baby on the 7th of November so it hasnt been very long but he says he cant take the pain that it puts me through that is why he is not ready maybe your husband is the same way he can not stand to see the pain it causes you, your pain is his pain in a lot of ways... i wish you all the best! if you want to talk at any time i am here message me anytime!!

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Aug. 15, 2013 11:50pm
I've had a few losses Hun my 1st was a girl at nearly 18 weeks she would of been 9 this year i will b honest it still hurts me now but you will learn to deal with it, maybe (if u haven't already) buy something to remember your baby by I have my daughters ashes still that i can't let go of but they bring me comfort . I'm so sorry for your loss your time will come but you both need to be ready I hope this helps a little xx

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Answered by kshives1027 - Aug. 15, 2013 4:55pm
I have had two miscarriages and both times were horrible. There are still some wounds there, even though I am halfway through this pregnancy. The first time, we decided not to try again for a few months because we were both in a friend's wedding the next summer. Low and behold, a birthday evening of drinking and I was pregnant with my daughter. The last mc was a blighted ovum and it was hard and frustrating and I was angry, upset, and crying all the time. My husband was apprehensive about trying again because of the pain he saw me going through. That could be what your hubby is feeling. It sounds like you need to sit down and talk this through with him. Let him know how you are feeling and that it will always hurt a bit to think of the baby you lost. However, it shouldn't stop you from trying to fulfill your dream again. It does get better, though. Just takes some time. Good thoughts are with you.

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Answered by babyspraker - Aug. 15, 2013 2:04pm
Good luck. I know it'll hard, but you can do it!

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Answered by babyspraker - Aug. 15, 2013 2:03pm
I had a miscarriage last year at only 7 weeks. It was hard, but honestly, you do just have to move on. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it and not moving on isn't going to change anything. Allow yourself to be and cry; that is completely okay and normal. I was sad, upset, angry, and I cried a lot for a few weeks, but that didn't stop me. You just have to accept it and move on. After a month we started trying again and after just a few short months and then nine more months we have a beautiful 3 week old. Maybe the reason that your husband isn't ready to try again is because you're still upset about it all? Maybe the two of you need to come to a resolution about the loss and move on together. A friend of mine and his wife bought rings and had something about the baby they lost engraved in it. Everyone grieves differently, but from someone who has had a miscarriage, finding a way to move on is the best you can do and then when both of you are ready, try again.

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