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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Rainbowbaby92

Q: Baby meauring 8 days behind.

Has anyone gone on to have a successful pregnancy after measuring 8 days behind (and no our dates arent wrong as it is ivf) I am 6w3d but only meauring 5w1d.. Baby has a heartbeat though..
I have another scan in 9 days time.. But just feel like I'm waiting for baby to die..

This question was asked Aug. 22, 2013 5:55am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Aug. 22, 2013 10:28pm
Just because it's measuring 5 weeks 1 day, doesn't mean that's actually how old it is. You wouldn't be seeing a heartbeat if that was the case. Sounds like it's just being a slow starter. And Redrouge is right, it may be smaller because there may be more than one. Twins are easily missed on early ultrasounds. I've always read that once you see a heartbeat, your chance of having a miscarriage goes down dramatically so keep your hopes up!

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Answered by Rainbowbaby92 - Aug. 23, 2013 12:28am
Well I've just booked in to see my gp today so hopefully she has some answers..
Just pulled the ultrasound images up on my computer and the crl was 1.63mm however where the measurements were taken doesn't include all of the crl.. (I'm a vet nurse and know how to read ultrasounds) so I reckon bub would be atleast 2mm long if they got all of it in the crl..

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Answered by Rainbowbaby92 - Aug. 22, 2013 9:31pm
They couldn't measure it cause bub is only 1mm long but we could see it pumping away.. From everything I've read most people don't get a fetal pole let alone a hb if they went for a scan at 5w1d.. So confused

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Answered by redrouge - Aug. 22, 2013 9:41am
when i was 9 week one day i had a scan and they said my baby was 8 weeks 1 day.told me my dates were wrong which i knew for 100% were right.went back at 15 weeks 1 day not only was one baby measuring right for dates but my 2 babies (missed twins on first scan) were both measuring correct for my dates..so doctors are not always right.try and stay positive..

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Answered by Nickylou203 - Aug. 22, 2013 7:30am
I was 6 .baby just now catching up at 15 weeks! Hb is a good sign .will keep u in my prayers

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 22, 2013 12:26pm
Was the hb strong? Don't give up yet-sending good thoughts your way.

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Answered by Rainbowbaby92 - Aug. 23, 2013 1:25am
Just did the math and if all of bub was in the crl I'd be measuring 5w3-4d.. Just spoke to my ivf nurse and they put me a 6+1 on scan day which would mean bub is only 4-5 days behind..

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Answered by jkim80 - Aug. 25, 2013 6:51pm
Just like every person grows differently so does a fetus. MY son measured 5 days ahead at my first scan but I was sure 100% of my dates and said no I was not changing my due date, we had been trying and using opk tests and I did my bbt so I was sure what day I ovulated. Next scan he was 4 days behind, good thing I didn't change my dates, my little guy did this for every scan bounced back and forth. This pregnancy first scan showed 2 days behind and next scan was bang on. It's just an estimate really based on averages, your baby is growing at a different pace than the statistical average, ohh well, as long as there is a healthy heartbeat that is a huge indicator of a healthy fetus so try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy, stressing isn't going to help. In the first trimester there is little to nothing a mom can do to change "what will be" I know from experience. SO relax & take comfort in the fact that so far things look healthy even if the baby is "small" a dain

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