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Category: Baby Showers

Asked by babymomma4814

Q: Is it ever too soon to have a baby shower? and Can i plan it?

This is my first baby and im extremely excited to get invitations and to decorate and get all the food for my baby shower i wanna play a pretty big role in it. I just dont know if its proper etiquette to do so.

This question was asked Nov. 16, 2013 8:32pm
Category: Baby Showers

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Answered by kelliers - Nov. 17, 2013 1:36am
It's poor etiquette to throw your own shower-that's basically asking for gifts. However, you can request that whoever offers to throw you one let you in on the planning. Also generally you have one around 30-36 weeks. I think 34 is about normal but depends on holidays and what not. It is probably too late for you but my solution because I wanted to do a party was to do a gender reveal party-we got to host a party where I could cook and decorate but no one had to bring gifts and all they had to worry about was having a good time. Then for the shower my husband's aunt and cousin did everything after asking me what theme I'd like and it was kind of amazing to not have to worry about any of it and they threw a beautiful shower so I was glad they didn't let me help in the end and just let me be spoiled and enjoy it.

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Answered by babymomma4814 - Nov. 17, 2013 12:19am
Ill be 20 weeks on tuesday lol sorry for excluding that piece of information.

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Answered by Maybebaby - Nov. 17, 2013 12:14am
With my first I organised my own mummy shower, but I requested no gifts. I got my sister and mother to host it tho, I had heaps a fun organising my own, this time my friend plans on organising my first 'baby shower' for me as a surprise. I have already told people I dnt want gifts, but knowing my friends and family they won't be able to help themselves this time :-) I had my mummy shower at 27 weeks, not sure when I will have my baby shower tho

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Nov. 16, 2013 10:40pm
How many weeks are you? You didn't mention in your question.

I wouldn't have one until you reach viability....which is 24-25 weeks. After that, I think one any time between 28-36 weeks is perfectly fine.

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Answered by cynnnxo - Nov. 16, 2013 9:15pm
if someone is welling to throw you a baby shower i think you should let them. instead of you spending money. you should save the money for whatever stuff you don't get for the baby shower :)

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