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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Mummy-1

Q: Did I loose a twin?

I went to my first scan at 12 weeks and I have one healthy baby :). Although the sonographer found and empty sac next to where my baby was. She didn't want to give to much info away but said that it looks as though my pregnancy started off as a non identical twin pregnancy? Has anyone else experienced this? If so can anyone shed a bit more light on it for me?
Thanks in advance

This question was asked Nov. 27, 2013 7:54am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by tasha* - Nov. 27, 2013 3:20pm
Hi ya, I had 2 placentas when my 2nd boy was born, wasn't really told much about it. But have heard that is was an undeveloped twin. It caused no complications for me throughout the pregnancy as it was only found once I had my C-section!

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Answered by kelliers - Nov. 27, 2013 11:28am
It is common for a second embryo to not develop and be re-absorbed. Often people don't know they ever were having twins unless they had an early scan and then see at a later one that the second is gone.

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