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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by cjsmamma08

Q: 2 losses, needing advice on trying again...

My husband and i lost a baby girl in 2009 when i was 19 weeks pregnant due to her having cystic hygroma with hydrops, we finally got pregnant in october of 2013 and i sadly miscarried nov 7th or 2013, my question is what is everyones opinion on trying to get pregnant again? i do have one living child who is perfectly healthy he will be 6 years old June 24, 2014 i am so super excited about that of course but we have been trying to have another baby for a long time now almost 2 years and i was just wondering does anyone think that i should give up? or should i continue to try? thanks in advance for any opinions :)

This question was asked Jan. 1, 2014 11:35pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 2:40pm
Hi welcome dear. This is not miracle. It is only power of subconscious mind. I am here for you to provide genuine information to solve your doubt in professional way. It is medically and scientifically proven fact that positive affirmation works very well. You can heel yourself and magic effect on your body and mind within some days. This is golden opportunity for me to use this online platform to share my own experience to overcome you from any type of problem in life.
First of all, I want to express heartily thanks to God for full support for my husband without her support I am not able to handle this critical situation in my life. We consult with energy healer to maintained seven chakras in our body. It is the best in class idea to consult with experienced energy healer who understand my problem easily and provide reasonable cure in limited time to heal my body. This is very simple energy booster treatment without any medicine.

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Answered by Angela18 - Jan. 2, 2014 2:01pm
I agree with everyone, you can read my profile and see how crazy my hubby and I are ;). If you've had testing and you feel ready then I think you should. For us, we prayed on it and waited (thinking I shouldn't have anymore) and one day I was given my answer and we changed our minds, I'm 30 weeks now and scared but very happy as all children in my opinion are a blessing which is why we tried again! If you ever need to chat, I'm here. Miscarriages are never easy, I had to prepare myself for that possibility also as I've had 2 myself. When I was 16 my mom lost one at 4 or 5 months and that is something I'll never forget, very hard. Good luck to you

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Answered by kate80 - Jan. 2, 2014 1:28pm
If you feel ready give it a go I suffered 2 mc a bit deferent than you first at 7 weeks and second at 13 weeks was hard but I thought third time lucky and gave it a go now I'm proud mummy to seven days old little girl all best for the future xxx

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Answered by cjsmamma08 - Jan. 2, 2014 4:26am
Thank you, we have had testing done and the dr says that we are healthy so were not sure what happened with the last pregnancy... he did say he thinks it was chemical because at my ultrasound my uterus was thickening but there wasnt a sac or anything

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Answered by kshives1027 - Jan. 2, 2014 2:38am
First of all, I am so sorry about your loss. It is never easy to lose a child and I hope that you are finding the time you need to heal and grieve. But I do agree with Cherry17. You should do what makes you happy. Our daughter turned 6 the day we found out we were pregnant after trying for almost two years. Maybe try seeing a fertility specialist and doing some routine testing to make sure that nothing is medically wrong with either you or the hubby. Just to rule it out. Have an honest conversation with your husband about how you are feeling and decide together if you want to continue to try for another child. Good luck to you and if you need to talk to someone just message me. :)

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Answered by Cherry17 - Jan. 1, 2014 11:50pm
I think that you should do what makes you happy and if you really want to keep trying then you should, maybe take a break and see how you feel about it When you've had some proper time to think. Just stay strong you never know what the future may hold, good luck and all the best xx

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