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Category: Travel During Pregnancy

Asked by Bostonmama08

Q: When will you/did you start to pack your hospital bag?

I'm considering at least printing a list of things we need to pack....just in case (31 weeks with a high risk pregnancy). If we ever needed to rush out....not sure if my husband would know exactly what to bring for me if it was up to him!

Wondering when you ladies either began to think about packing up or actually did pack up a bag for yourself.

This question was asked Jan. 5, 2014 3:12am
Category: Travel During Pregnancy

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Jan. 5, 2014 5:58am
I packed mine at 36 weeks, so over a week ago. There's still things I keep adding to it though.

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Answered by Lou_85 - Jan. 5, 2014 10:26pm
I'm currently coming up to 33weeks and I've the baby's bag packed for hospital just need to sort mine, but I literally just moved into my new house on NYE. I've been told several times by midwife il b lucky to last 40 weeks so I want to be prepared in case our baby decides to come early

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Answered by Jamie-Lee - Jan. 5, 2014 4:58pm
I was also high risk with both my past pregnancies around 24-26 weeks till the time I had them, so I had my bags packed by/around 34 weeks.

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Answered by Peanut1987 - Jan. 5, 2014 5:27am
I to printed and read a list of things to pack, smart thinking I would say, and I'm glad I did because my daughter came at 36 weeks. I didnt have everything packed but I was able to list things off to my husband while I played on the bed timing my contractions. I will definitely be packing my bag around week 35.

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Answered by Eluria88 - Jan. 5, 2014 6:55pm
Both of my kids were born at 38 weeks, my first was emergency situation and second naturally went into labor at 38 weeks. I started the bag around 35 weeks and kept adding to it from there on, with my 2nd (the natural labor) I moved the bag to the car when I started getting contractions and ended up heading to the hospital 2 days later. Everyone is different though! There's nothing wrong with being over-prepared.

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Answered by andycooper5 - Aug. 19, 2017 12:35pm
Hello dear,
I know you are way too excited for the delivery date approaching. As for my case, I had a few complications, so the doctors did warn me that I can be in for delivery anytime after the 36 weeks. ALthough I did on the 39th! So I started packing my hospital bags at my 36th week. And for all the average woman, you should wait up to the 40th week and then pack. Or even 39 is better. Also, prepare a list of things to be taken at least from a month ago, so that you don't run out of any thing important at the last moment. Think smart and act even smarter. I had permanently kept my bag in the back of our car so that we did not forget to take it when that moment comes.

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