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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by BeanStick14

Q: Age of Fetus and First Signs of Heartbeat?

How old was the fetus when you first saw or heard a heartbeat on ultrasound? This is my second pregnancy in three years with the first ending in MC. I never got to see a heartbeat.

This question was asked Jan. 9, 2014 4:59pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by tasha* - Jan. 9, 2014 6:26pm
I saw and heard my girlie at 6w 4d, with an internal ultrasound :)

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Answered by MonicaDreamsOf3 - Jan. 9, 2014 6:24pm
I go Jan 20 for my first ultrasound. I should be between 7-8 weeks. I miscarried on Nov 23 at 6 weeks & had not had an ultrasound. I am so anxious & excited about this one. I've been crazy enough to still take a pregnancy test every week just to be sure I'm still pregnant! The only pregnancy symptom I have had is sore boobs! I'm happy for that but can't wait to get more confirmation with the ultrasound!

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Answered by SamH1982 - Jan. 9, 2014 6:21pm
The earliest I have seen a heartbeat was 5 weeks 5 days the earliest the dr picked it up on vaginal ultrasound was 6 weeks 5 days with my current pregnancy it was 7 weeks 3 days

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Answered by eag923 - Jan. 9, 2014 6:01pm
With my first, they did an early ultrasound bc I was cramping. We saw her heartbeat at 5 weeks 6 days. With my second, they didn't do the first ultrasound until 8 weeks, so we didn't get to see her heartbeat until then.

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Answered by gotababylady - Jan. 9, 2014 5:14pm
I was 7 weeks when I got my first u/s and saw the hb

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Answered by Jelly-Bean - Jan. 10, 2014 10:13am
At 8 weeks we could definitely see the flicker of the heartbeat. (external ultrasound)
At the 12 week scan we heard it :)
Good luck!!

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Answered by bkaufma3 - Jan. 10, 2014 2:19pm
I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks and at 6 weeks and they didn't see it until the second u/s at 6 weeks

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Answered by duffyj83 - Jan. 11, 2014 4:00am
First ultra sound was 5 wks 6 days and no heart beat. The technician said it could have been even just a day too early. Came back a week later and saw the heartbeat very clearly.

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Answered by TaylorRoseB - Jan. 9, 2014 9:59pm
I was 5 weeks 3 days when we saw her itty bitty flicker. :-)

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Answered by mskeisha - Jan. 12, 2014 6:21am
I go on the 22nd for my ultrasound I'll be 8 weeks I can't wait. I just made 7 weeks today.

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