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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by kaylia2oo5

Q: Lots of pressure in a twin pregnancy?

I'm currently 13-4 with twins. I've had two singletons before this, but no one in the family has ever had twins, so I'm at a loss for people to ask lol.
Here the past few days, there has been a lot of heaviness & pressure in my lower belly- just wondering if this is normal? I mentioned it to my best friend, and she said that it probably is, especially where there are two in there...just wanted to be re-affirmed :)
Please note- it's not cramping, and I haven't had any bleeding either. 1.5 weeks ago, they were both wiggling around on the ultrasound and I seen both heartbeats :)

This question was asked Feb. 22, 2014 12:18pm
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by gppacen - Feb. 23, 2014 12:49am
I have been having pressure/pain. Mostly pain - reminds me of ligament pains I had with my 1st. Pressure - I have occasionally but it doesn't last longer than an hour. My friend, with a singleton pregnancy though, had a lot of pressure lower belly/bladder area and she was diagnosed with a bladder infection but it was continual pressure. I'm not sure if she had other symptoms associated with it though. When I told my ob about the pain she said it was just "growing' pains. Our bellies are growing quickly!!

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Answered by redrouge - Feb. 22, 2014 9:26pm
hey ive just had twin boys.they are 13 weeks old.they are my 3rd and 4 th also.like u i knew hardly anyone with twins.if ure on face book u should look up a muliple birth assocation.its all woman u are preg on twins or have had twins and it s just amazing support.i found my twin preg so different to my others..alot of pressure early on but it came on and off the holepreg getting worse towards the end..its all normal..i lived scan to scan on my twi. preg cause lets face it ure have double the worry..def look up the support groups and om always happy to ans a.ything i can help u with..

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Feb. 22, 2014 5:06pm
Clomid is probably the reason for the twins, it is very common with that fertility drug. As for what your feeling it's pretty normal but bring it up at your next appointment

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