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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by Queenmommy0914

Q: Possible C-Section. Need C-Section mamas advice :(

I had an Ultra Sound yesterday and found out that my placenta is blocking the way of the birth canal :( I'm 32 weeks. My doctor said that most likely I will be getting a C-section. I'm due for another Ultra Sound in a month to see if there are any changes.

Honestly I am afraid of getting a C-section and it makes me sad. I've been picturing a vaginal birth. I had a vaginal birth with my first. The baby is healthy and moving all over the place. I am so grateful for that!

Any of you ladies had a C-section? Can you tell me about it? I read on someone's blog that it's awful. They painted a horrible picture and it's freaking me out lol I also want to know what happens after the C-section. Is it harder to get back into shape? Thank you!

This question was asked Mar. 8, 2014 2:48pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by sandraoz - Mar. 15, 2014 7:50am
Hi QueenMommy i though i share my history, i had placenta previa with my latest pregnancy we found out at 20 weeks ultrasound drs had me having ultrasound every 3 weeks and my dr told me that i was having a c-section n like u i was so scare at 34 weeks my placenta was previa and miraculous at 37 weeks it was 3.5 cm away from the os so i end up having a natural delivery i was so happy so dont be scare u got planty of time for the placenta to move dr are happy with 3 cm good luck :)

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Mar. 10, 2014 2:33am
I was induced at 41 weeks by breaking my water at 7am. By 7 pm even though I had loads of pitocin, labor was painful but going nowhere. My dr recommended a c section. I. Loved. It. They put my baby on my chest while they stitched me up. Then sent him with his daddy to the nursery while they got me more settled. The meds made me really shakey and they wanted to get that stopped first. Recovery was awesome. I was walking 14 hours later.as long as you keep on top if the medication your pain will be just fine. :) my boys birth didn't go as planned, but I got him and that's what counts. I also had very little lochia since the dr was able to take most of that out during the operation. Im having another exactly a year after my first and have no worries about the second c section because my dr didn't either :)

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Answered by Steph35 - Mar. 10, 2014 2:28am
I had a c-section with my first due to high blood pressure and will have a scheduled c-section this time. My first was at 39 weeks and, as long as there aren't any issues, it will be at 39 weeks this time. It was not a bad experience for me either. Whatever is safest for you and the baby is the safest:-) good luck!

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Answered by estone - Mar. 9, 2014 4:40am
My son was born at 34 weeks via emergency csection. I had an undiagnosed previa that ruptured and I had the ambulance come to take me to the hospital and my son was born within the hour. I had a repeat section with my daughter at 39 weeks. The recovery wasn't bad at all. I was back to myself after a week. Csections get a bad wrap and people think they are so awful, but I don't think they are at all. Just make sure you get up and move around as soon as possible. I was up walking around the same day I had my csection and I think that made a huge difference in the recovery. If it weren't for csections, my son and I wouldn't be alive. All that matters is that the baby gets here safely.

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Answered by running19 - Mar. 8, 2014 11:09pm
It is different for different people, but I have had two c-sections and one VBAC. My last section was for a complete previa with a bilobed placenta at 38 weeks. The c-sections physically weren't as bad as I expected as far as recover goes. The second section was worse because I had a small child at home who was above the lifting restrictions, and I hate not being able to hold the baby immediately after birth. For me physically the worst part is the anesthesia - I get sick and itchy every time. If I had a choice I would avoid a section, but as you know you are in one of those situations where there really isn't a choice. I know how badly that sucksâ?¦Best of luck to you.

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Answered by hayleycynthia - Mar. 8, 2014 7:43pm
I've had 2 c-sections, last one 3 weeks ago. It really isn't that bad. With the first the dr gave her to me even before they cut the cord for skin to skin contact and she stayed with me the whole time. My second was an emergency at 35 weeks and baby went straight to the paed as she wasn't breathing well.

The recovery really isn't that bad. I was driving within a week and have had very little pain. The first three days the pain is very bad but after that it's tolerable.

Good luck and don't worry about it too much. Just remember that the safest delivery for Mom and baby is best

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Answered by Debs1983 - Mar. 8, 2014 3:46pm
Iv to be sectioned at 37 weeks or before depending on how the previa is when it gets checked in a fortnight x

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Answered by ashbee - Mar. 8, 2014 3:45pm
I had both of my C Sections at 36 weeks due to preeclampsia with both of my pregnancies.

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Answered by Queenmommy0914 - Mar. 8, 2014 3:34pm
I didn't add a question that I really wanted to know the answer to. Silly me! At what week were your C-sections scheduled on? Thanks! :3

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Answered by ashbee - Mar. 8, 2014 3:17pm
I have not had placenta previa but I have had two C sections, and I agree with Debs they really aren't as bad as they are said to be. I was up walking as soon as I got the clearance to do so. They key to having a C Section is to take your meds around the clock (prescription strength Motrin) to prevent inflammation and start moving as soon as possible to work out the soreness! You will do great! GL! (:

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