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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by padey2014

Q: Muffled/unusual baby movements??

Hi everyone was just wondering im 27 weeks pregnant and have been feeling my little girl regular and strong for quite some weeks now allover my belly however the past day or 2 they have been in one specific place (lower right corner) and it feels like shes hitting a nerve but also when I do feel her (sometimes in other places) the movements/kicks are far more muffled and dont seem as strong could she be facing my back?...but however this is the first time they have felt like this and i would have thought she would have faced my back before now so would be able to distinguish this!??...sorry for such a long essay but any help would be grateful!! thanks

This question was asked Mar. 27, 2014 8:15pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Tina37 - Mar. 27, 2014 9:09pm
I am 26 weeks baby Girl been dancing since 20 weeks more noticable some days then others she is sometimes like a hammock in my pelvics than breach sometimes hitting a nerve but as more time passes bring more pain love sonograms tech you can see what your little one is doing like sucking on the thumb and smiling and kicking right where you hurt.

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