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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by kaylia2oo5

Q: Overbearing Best Friend?

I'm having an issue with my best friend. I love her to pieces, and really don't know what I'd do without her, but here lately she's getting to be a bit overbearing and I don't know how to mention anything to her without her exploding...
She can no longer have babies (has three of her own now) and everyone around her is having babies and shes getting baby fever is a lot of it.
She offered to throw my baby shower before anyone else. I told her that my Mom wanted to help, but my Mom is starting to feel left out & slighted (and half pissed too).
Then she offered to buy both of our cribs (expecting twins). I said no at first, but her husband is making more money than they know what to do with, and she kept offering so I accepted.
She messaged me this morning informing me that she was going to go pick them up and that I could pick them up from her house. These are my last babies and I wanted the experience of going to get them. Now she's mad because I told her I wanted (cont..)

This question was asked Apr. 17, 2014 2:19pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Apr. 17, 2014 5:16pm
With your mom, she could always throw a second shower, especially if you're having twins. My guess is your friend really doesn't know she's being a bit much. Take her out for lunch and let her know that you and your mom are having a hard time, because this is your last pregnancy and you both are trying to make the most of it. That may make her think a little more, and not be offended or hurt. Giving makes people feel better and not bitter and sad, which may be another reason she's putting so much time and cash into you and your babes. OH! One other thought...if your mom really wants to be the main shower buddy, maybe your friend and you can have a girls day around that time to get you all prettied up for the shower- her treat? Hair done, mani, pedi, shopping, etc. That's always fun and may take some of the pressure off :)

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Apr. 17, 2014 2:20pm
to pick them up. I feel awful, I don't know how to tell her I still love her, and am very thankful for everything she's doing, but there's got to be boundaries somewheres...

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