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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by lyssa7872

Q: Depression during pregnancy...experiences appreciated

I've never had depression before, but my stepmom has struggled with it for as long as I can remember, so I'm familiar enough with it to know that it's something I'm dealing with now. I keep crying for no reason, feeling absolutely worthless to my family, & keep hearing myself say that they would be better without me. I never really go farther than that, but that's far enough for me. I talked to my husband & he agrees that something isn't right. Apparently I'm feeling like we fight a lot when we don't. I'm just sad a lot. Other times, like at work, I'm totally normal. At home I feel completely different & not myself. My real question is if any of you have dealt with this, what did you use? I'm not against pills, but I like the idea of alternatives to avoid risk to the baby. Light therapy? Talking to someone? Acupuncture? Do those things work for any of you? Thanks ladies.

This question was asked Apr. 23, 2014 2:05pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Apr. 23, 2014 8:45pm
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I feel like from the outside I can see myself spiraling out of control. There's really no reason for this other than crazy hormones, since I'm not under any major stress, my home and family life is stable - which in some ways makes it better some ways makes it worse lol. I feel good knowing I have so much support, and horrid thinking that it's all in my head and I have no reason to feel so "silly". Oh the joys of being a human ;)

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Answered by jennavee - Apr. 23, 2014 7:49pm
Definitely talk to your doctor! I would start with speaking to a therapist or counselor. That's what helped me when I was pregnant with my first. I was able to identify things that had become a trigger for me and eliminate or learn to manage those. I hope it's just temporary due to hormone fluctuations! Best of luck to you mama!

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 23, 2014 4:50pm
Hi dear. I have been suffering with anxiety/depression for almost 7 years now. It wasn't until I gave in and went on meds that things got better for me. I understand you not wanting to be on meds during pregnancy, I was the same. I wasn't on them during pregnancy. I started after I had my baby and I can tell you the NEXT DAY I noticed I felt different. No more tears. The emotions were much more under control. I'm a new person. The medication I'm on is called Ciprolex. With depression almost always comes anxiety and ciprolex helps with both. At least it did for me. If you can hang on until you have the baby, great, but if you feel so far out of control it may be best to go on them sooner than later. Not everyone needs medication, but after years of trying to deal, I was someone who benefited from them. Talk to your doctor and maybe ask for a referral to a counselor. You are not alone so continue to reach out when you feel your just at your breaking point.

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