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Category: Baby Names

Asked by QueenieB

Q: Should I name my daughter Elsa? Help!

Ok, ok, I know that Frozen is all the craze right now, but truthfully I have always loved the name Elsa, however I named my firstborn Anna, would that just be wierd? I am afraid they might hate it later on or be bugged about it in school. Thoughts?

This question was asked Apr. 24, 2014 8:06am
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by Sianny - May. 27, 2014 3:18pm
I'd be concerned that with all the hype around the movie most of the girls in her year would be Elsa too. I only say this as the Twilight fans children have just started to hit the schools in the UK with 7 'Bellas' in my nieces class alone. That being said it is always your choice x

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Answered by 2the9months - May. 7, 2014 8:48pm
I think Elsa is a beautiful name. How old is Anna? Would they be in middle school/high school together? I personally love the idea of Anna and Elsa as sisters... but perhaps not if they'd share the same social circles at tender ages.

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Apr. 24, 2014 4:21pm
i guess I would go for it. Everyone loves disney. I'm 21 and I still love disney. I totally with I had been named after a disney character!

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Answered by jennavee - Apr. 24, 2014 3:34pm
I've got to agree with eag923 on this one! With the movie being such a big hit, plus your other daughter being Anna, I wouldn't do it. That said, it's your kid and you can name it whatever you want!

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Answered by eag923 - Apr. 24, 2014 3:12pm
I think Elsa is a cute name. However, if your other daughter is named Anna I think it may be a bit too much. Either they would hate it or they may be made fun of (like you mentioned). That's just my opinion though.

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